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2, 3 and 8 in the polka dot dres... very nice indeed. The others... I don't think I needed to see.. or they weren't really so much celebrating the female form as saying 'I want to put something in that' Eh.. maybe i'm biased because I don't have anythign to poke with...

First girl.... NOOOO WAY. I hate sounding bitchy.. but the only reason the pic gets attention in because her naked ass is showing... Doesn't make me think, 'this woman is a work of art'. Ah well. Just my opinion. Dr Greenhorn is going to have something to say about all the full on for the sake of full on though.. Just saying...

I love the second one though, the light cast on her back and the soft focus of the background and her feet.

This begs the question though... Where is the distinction between 'beautiful' and 'arousing' if any? I can look at a woman and think 'my god this is perfect' and not be horny at all but I could look at another and start clawing at my screen. Seeing as you called the asshole beautiful, is it beautiful because of what you imagine it to feel like or because the woman is just aesthetically pleasing?

Nice to have some weight and ethnicity variation though. Tight butts for big girls. Yay for them xx

I enjoyed those female forms. I don't know how much you can separate beautiful from arousing. The reason I find girls beautiful is precisely why i'm aroused. Those are very beautiful vaginas and b-holes.
What's the matter srh88? Too much woman for you? ;-)

Padawan, my dude. you're really pushing the limits in here, I'm surprised april didn't condemn this thread already. I'm a little more lenient with the noodz, but some of the pics here are going a little bit to far. I'll just make pretend I never seen this thread, but take it easy in here with the nude pics, or sooner or later the thread is gonna be taken down
Padawan, my dude. you're really pushing the limits in here, I'm surprised april didn't condemn this thread already. I'm a little more lenient with the noodz, but some of the pics here are going a little bit to far. I'll just make pretend I never seen this thread, but take it easy in here with the nude pics, or sooner or later the thread is gonna be taken down

Fuck you Dr.!! You fucking scab, fucking Judas!!! Naw I'm just kidding. ;-) Yeah I'm surprised it's lasted as long as it has. Good form old chap.
Padawan, my dude. you're really pushing the limits in here, I'm surprised april didn't condemn this thread already. I'm a little more lenient with the noodz, but some of the pics here are going a little bit to far. I'll just make pretend I never seen this thread, but take it easy in here with the nude pics, or sooner or later the thread is gonna be taken down

I figure if it's confined to this one thread it should be OK

A little nudity never hurt anyone, right?
I want to see the inside of some womens.

This is a site for 18+ and the thread is clearly marked as noodz. I don't see the problem with high definition vaginas. Bring em on.
Show me an example if you can, I'm afraid the internet has desensitized me quite a bit..

There's obviously been some cleanup recently. But when I saw a series recently that had "from behind, knees apart, buns upthrust and a smoldering look over the shoulder" poses, my porn sensors pinged. I recognize that this is subjective.

Here's a pic to illustrate what I mean. cn

Keep it classy

1) Site rules. Go over the top and we lose the whole thread, and I quite like most of this collection
2) I was hoping for more artistic quality, some of it is hot alright but it's not really meant to be bukkake material
3) I can't become a mod of a thread I started turned into the same old girls submitting and showing their orifices porn thread..
4) The admittance of the Internet desensitising and it can get kind of upsetting with the OTT objectification
5) I don't want to nag again but you guys KNOW the deal by now, where the mark is overstepped. We kept it pretty good thus far

Back to work. I'm still at school at 3 in the fuckin morning.
I must be hella hella high Pad...I just had to sit here and stare at that first ass because I swear I saw it bounce! lol
And on that note, I'm going to bed. G'nite ;)
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