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Thanks for the contributions, Padawan :3 Beautiful...




The lady on the right is the sweetest person you'll ever chat to... Very modest. I need to post more of her fetish photos later...
Nope. Kinsey had me in mind when he created his scale. I have been kissed, fondled, pinched, stroked, rubbed, caressed, assaulted, and molested by some rather striking women in my life. Not so much as a twinge.
it only worked for me with women later in life. i was in my thirties. i didn't wanna pass up the opputunity. it doesn't present itself as much when you get older. when i closed my eyes and forgot about "parts" it actually became quite pleasurable. they kiss better. they can't give oral to save their
but it's this man i can't get outta my mindrafaelnadal1liulife.jpg
Whaddya know ... the dreamcatcher worked!! cn

(I'm especially charmed by the young nymph with the stick through her hair.)
it only worked for me with women later in life. i was in my thirties. i didn't wanna pass up the opputunity. it doesn't present itself as much when you get older. when i closed my eyes and forgot about "parts" it actually became quite pleasurable. they kiss better. they can't give oral to save their
but it's this man i can't get outta my mindView attachment 2318255

Rafael Nada. He's a looker. I'm a ginger man myself. I have no idea why. It just worked out that way.

Whaddya know ... the dreamcatcher worked!! cn

(I'm especially charmed by the young nymph with the stick through her hair.)

The bad new is, they're designed to capture BAD dreams.
it only worked for me with women later in life. i was in my thirties. i didn't wanna pass up the opputunity. it doesn't present itself as much when you get older. when i closed my eyes and forgot about "parts" it actually became quite pleasurable. they kiss better. they can't give oral to save their
but it's this man i can't get outta my mindView attachment 2318255

He is dreamy x

The lip bite is like a chicks secret weapon..

Too bad I can't really do it XP

I wish I was homosexual for a moment. I've had a penis my entire life, I know exactly what it likes. 1 out of 5 was what I'd call 'good', you sir, are correct.

I think I know what I'm doing ;3 But apparently that is true for the majority..

Being bi is the best of both worlds, you know and can appreciate all the nuances of both genders and see things from a different perspective. If you're a bisexual guy... It will get you more womenz.

I got excited at you saying you wish you were homo XP
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