Nooo! CFL's fell on my clone, it's all droopy on the top now!

2013-10-30 19.34.45.jpg

Mannn I didn't mean to knock the cfls onto it. None of the stems are broke, I was thinking of propping it with a stick, what else should I do?? bongsmiliebongsmilie

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If it didnt break you have nothing to fear. Even if the stem splits the plant will heal.

It might slow growth for half a day from being bent rough like. Then it will be fine.


I think you'll be ok. You sort of super cropped it accidentally. If you ever do break a stem you can mend with a piece of duck tape wrapped around the break. It will heal itself in a couple days. Good luck and enjoy.
Just to give an update, the plant perked back up overnight, also think the top is stronger now, it doesn't bend anymore like when t he light fell on it. Thanks for the replys!