NOOOOO!!! Please help!!! PICS help asap


Active Member
Is there a doctor in the house? So I came home to my babies hoping to see flourishing beauty and one of them took ill. The entire plant looks droopy and sad. Am I watering too much, too less? What is happening? Is it heat? I just started flowering 3 days ago, and stopped nutes and figured I'd wait to introduce bloom nutes and ferts as i start to see sex, pre flowers, and pistils. What should I do. please help.



Well-Known Member
Holy crap! :shock: Well, the obvious question is.....have you been letting them dry out, or have you been keeping them drenched?(I don't even think overwatering could do that) That's a severe case, so the answer will be obvious. Looks like severe underwatering to me.


Well-Known Member
it looks dry to me . usually the leaves will yellow if its over water give it some water . i dont water by look i go by weight. when the pot feels light i water them


Well-Known Member
its gotta be a water issue coz the leaves havent any colour change buddy. poor bugger looks like its had a stroke!!


Well-Known Member
once you give it a decent water, it should bounce right back. I had the same problem with one of my plants last week so I transplanted it and gave it a moderate amount of water. It was back to 100% the next day.


Well-Known Member
Like pretty much everyone else has said, definitely a watering issue. From the looks of it, seems to be underwatering. Give it a good watering and it should bounce back in a day or two. It doesn't appear to be overwatering, which is common and also bad, even worse than underwatering.