nooooooooooooooo =/


This is my first thread ever and im sorry to say its a sad one... due to details i will not disclose, i am being forced to quit smoking bud or find a way to cheat tests... I know, tragic. Only for like half a year tho.... wat i need from U, my fellow stoners is support and advice on two things:

1. If i really do quit ive already come to the conclusion that id almost immediately hav to find a new vice.. sumthing to take the place of/time i would spend on bud. or pick a dif high thts simmilar to the high of weed but doesnt get me in trouble (suggestions needed).

2. The other option is to not quit and try my luck at cheating the tests???


Well-Known Member
Cheating will only get you by for so long.

If you have the money you can always order things like "dream" or "spike 99". These herbal smokes will give you a similar high to mid grade bud, but it's not quite the same.

Also, you've already told yourself that you need a new vice. You sound like you have an addictive personality. You really don't NEED anything. Mind over matter. You're just convincing yourself that you do. Channel that urge in to something productive like playing guitar, or something like that.


Well-Known Member
uhhh im a girl lol
haha, tell em' what's good. My boy just got 10 years prob.. from age 20-30 hes beat. He smokes after each piss test, for a day or two, maybe 3 if he's feeling lucky. Then buys an OC 80 (cause opiets only stay in your system for 3 days) to last him a couple days, then he gets another etc. until the cycle comes back around.


Well-Known Member
wat i need from U, my fellow stoners is support and advice on two things:

1. If i really do quit ive already come to the conclusion that id almost immediately hav to find a new one
Id say go with option one.....
That would be finding a new vice ....
atleast until this shit passes over....

What vice should u take up.....???
Heres a few goood ones.....
Maybe you could just post abunch of nude pics and post em on this thread ....
That always seems to help a weedjones .....

Or just start having random sex with strangers....(like riu members....perhaps the cheezy ones)



Global Moderator
Staff member
haha, tell em' what's good. My boy just got 10 years prob.. from age 20-30 hes beat. He smokes after each piss test, for a day or two, maybe 3 if he's feeling lucky. Then buys an OC 80 (cause opiets only stay in your system for 3 days) to last him a couple days, then he gets another etc. until the cycle comes back around.
You're fooling yourself if you think this will work forever - keep that shit up & its back to the clink.


Well-Known Member
when did i say HE was doing it forever? If it has worked for him the past 4 tests, not really sure why it would just suddenly fail one day...


What vice should u take up.....???
Heres a few goood ones.....
Maybe you could just post abunch of nude pics and post em on this thread ....
That always seems to help a weedjones .....

Or just start having random sex with strangers....(like riu members....perhaps the cheezy ones)


uhh... ill keep tht in mind... thanks... i think


Also, you've already told yourself that you need a new vice. You sound like you have an addictive personality. You really don't NEED anything. Mind over matter. You're just convincing yourself that you do. Channel that urge in to something productive like playing guitar, or something like that.

ur absolutely right.... i do have an addictive personality nd as long as wat im addicted to isnt hurting me then y not.... i just meant that i spend alot of time now, smoking bud, getting bud (i dont grow.. yet), just plain being high frm bud.. and thts workin out great for me but if i hav to quit.. it might make it easier if i could just replace bud and all tht goes with it with something i like just as much... (i actually do hav an interest in playing guitar but tht wont get me high now will it....)... so basically im looking for another drug tht wont gemmie in trouble...

p.s. call me ignorant but i have no idea what 'dream' or 'spike99' is =/ i googled it and everything lol


Well-Known Member
Try some kratom... I know you can't smoke it but it does give kind of a nice stone...
You can't do it every day though... about once every four days is cool. so you can get away with like an ounce for a month. You use about 7g at a time mixed with a little oj or water.


Active Member
Alright so we've come to the conclusion that u must stop consuming marijuana due to (insert blank).

lets explore your options in full...

Do you know how you would be tested? when? in the event that you are caught what's the worst that will happen?

Alternative vices...well i guess we can opt for substances that stay in your system for a shorter period of time or you can choose a goverment approved one such as alcohol?

what are your thoughts on hookah? I found it helped me when i had to go without for awhile. Something to smoke and its tastey... the upside to this option is when you get to smoke bud again you now have another smoking piece


Global Moderator
Staff member
when did i say HE was doing it forever? If it has worked for him the past 4 tests, not really sure why it would just suddenly fail one day...
My point was you can only "get lucky" for so long & 10 years may be asking too much. Also, don't you think po's know that some people smoke after a ua? Have you never heard of someone getting called in a day or two after?
Lastly, if he gets popped what are the ramifications? With that much probation I bet its pretty big time.
I don't say this out of meanness, I have someone very close to me that thought the same thing and is in prison because of just what we are talking about so, yes - I know the pain of trying to "beat the system".



Well-Known Member
This is my first thread ever and im sorry to say its a sad one... due to details i will not disclose, i am being forced to quit smoking bud or find a way to cheat tests... I know, tragic. Only for like half a year tho.... wat i need from U, my fellow stoners is support and advice on two things:

1. If i really do quit ive already come to the conclusion that id almost immediately hav to find a new vice.. sumthing to take the place of/time i would spend on bud. or pick a dif high thts simmilar to the high of weed but doesnt get me in trouble (suggestions needed).

2. The other option is to not quit and try my luck at cheating the tests???
Stop acting like you need to be high. Go get a fucking hobby or something.

The only reason quitting is hard is because you are going to sit around boredand feeling sorry for yourself and want to smoke.