Nor-Cal Outdoor Timing Question?


Well-Known Member
Light changes June 21 this year which is the solstice. Days will get shorter after this and plants will go into flower automatically.
^ i dont know about that, yea the days will get shorter but the plants dont start flowering here in norcal until end of july, beg of aug


Well-Known Member
I'll keep the lights on 18/6 until late June, then I'll taper the lights off.

Just because the summer solstice is in June, most plants won't start to flower until late July - early Aug.

These lights come on at 3:00am-7:00am. I figure most of my neighbors are not awake or outside at that time.;-)

^ have you've done that b4, i would think those lights in combination of the dark period would only confuse your plants and cause them to hermi, whats wrong w/ it getting the natural sunlight followed by a natrual dark period? are they not gettin enough light?

those small cfl's arent gonna do jack for outdoor plants and i would think can cause problems down the road if you arent careful, unless you have exp. with thise before i would take those lights down immediately, and just try to get in about 7-10 (or more if u can) hrs of direct sunlight and the rest can be shaded sunlight, followed by a natrual dark period, good luck


Active Member
^ have you've done that b4, i would think those lights in combination of the dark period would only confuse your plants and cause them to hermi, whats wrong w/ it getting the natural sunlight followed by a natrual dark period? are they not gettin enough light?

those small cfl's arent gonna do jack for outdoor plants and i would think can cause problems down the road if you arent careful, unless you have exp. with thise before i would take those lights down immediately, and just try to get in about 7-10 (or more if u can) hrs of direct sunlight and the rest can be shaded sunlight, followed by a natrual dark period, good luck
i dont think you saw Double JJ's grow last season... maybe you need to catch youself up to date and check out his 2010 thread and see his results! JJ DEFINITELY knows what hes doing!


Active Member
i dont think you saw Double JJ's grow last season... maybe you need to catch youself up to date and check out his 2010 thread and see his results! JJ DEFINITELY knows what hes doing!
i will second this untill u look at his journals ,,,,,actually go look at his journal and then repost if he knows what he is doing,,,,,


Active Member
^ ok, just seemed odd
did u check his grow good stuff

if i put another set of ten plants out when my indoor is done june 16 give or take a week u know how that goes,,,, i have ten out right now that went into flower erly so they have ben under lights at night to revedge them ,,, anyways if u put another ten out say a foot tall will they have enough vedge time or should i try to throw some out on the first


Active Member
i started putting mine out 4/29 no flowering action going on at all. but when i had my girls indoor i slowly reduced the lights from 18 down to 16 hours over a few week period before transplant so they didnt shock from the light change. now they are very very well in full veg and totally growing fast! i see at least 3-4 inchs of new growth every few days i go see them!


Active Member
i started putting mine out 4/29 no flowering action going on at all. but when i had my girls indoor i slowly reduced the lights from 18 down to 16 hours over a few week period before transplant so they didnt shock from the light change. now they are very very well in full veg and totally growing fast! i see at least 3-4 inchs of new growth every few days i go see them!
nice ime just worried about the outcome on my ten that are revedging when ime done indoor i will throw ten more out that way i have 20 flowering its all legal and allowed 20 so why not


Well-Known Member
^ have you've done that b4, i would think those lights in combination of the dark period would only confuse your plants and cause them to hermi, whats wrong w/ it getting the natural sunlight followed by a natrual dark period? are they not gettin enough light?

those small cfl's arent gonna do jack for outdoor plants and i would think can cause problems down the road if you arent careful, unless you have exp. with thise before i would take those lights down immediately, and just try to get in about 7-10 (or more if u can) hrs of direct sunlight and the rest can be shaded sunlight, followed by a natrual dark period, good luck
the point of the cfls isnt to help the plants grow. theyre there so the plant does not have 12 hours of darkness, and starts flowering. he wants more daytime, so he turns on the lights for a few hours after or before it gets dark. this forces them to stay in veg