NorCal meter readers...nosy enough to worry about?


New Member
I'm wondering if anybody that has worked as a meter reader in the NorCal area can tell me how nosey they tend to be. I'm not worried about law enforcement finding out about my grow, I'm legal and all that, but I AM worried about my LANDLORDS finding out, because I have bad luck like that. If I choose to set up in the outbuilding on my property I'll have to run power out there, and that brings up building code issues; not so much with my wiring, but because here where I live outbuildings with no power don't have to be built to code, but those with power do. The landlords live far far away and the mgmt company is lazy, thus the only person I'm concerned about is the power company meter reader. So I'm wondering how likely the meter reader is to notice the newly installed 1 1/2" PVC conduit coming out of my breaker panel? It's outdoors right below the meter, so they will be able to see it if they bother to take a look. If they notice, is that the sort of thing they give a damn about? I mean improperly installed wiring can burn a place to cinders, but is that their problem, do they give a fuck? If they do, are they likely to bring the issue to me before their boss or somebody with the town? If so, will a few bills persuade them to ignore it?

I'm probably just being paranoid, but after having to chop down a 10KW crop of stanky organic Tahoe OG THE DAY I HAD PLANNED TO FLIP TO 12/12 in September because my landlord got a hair up her ass......I ought to be.

I can always set everything up indoors and nobody will notice the new wiring, but it would be both inconvenient and difficult.

Thanks for any advice.

Tha CHillz

Active Member
Do a closet grow or use any other discrete location inside the apartment/home. More secure from thieves and minors. Plus you get to check on them while wearing only a pair of boxers.


Active Member
Geez I always get such a warm welcome here.
You have two posts, so I doubt that. Unless you make a new account for silly questions like these every couple of days, then it's annoying.
No one will find you on this site, so don't be paranoid as to make multiple accounts. Just make one account, and continue on. Maybe people will feel more inclined to help someone who actually discusses and talks on the site more often than someone with 2 posts.
Just my 2 cents.

Regardless I can't help you, as where I live we don't have to pay for Water or Electric =D


New Member
You have two posts, so I doubt that. Unless you make a new account for silly questions like these every couple of days, then it's annoying.
No one will find you on this site, so don't be paranoid as to make multiple accounts. Just make one account, and continue on. Maybe people will feel more inclined to help someone who actually discusses and talks on the site more often than someone with 2 posts.
Just my 2 cents.

Regardless I can't help you, as where I live we don't have to pay for Water or Electric =D
Firstly, I didn't make a new account to avoid the watchful eye of the NSA/DEA, I made a new one because I lost my password. Also, if you think for some reason that law enforcement doesn't keep tabs on this forum and it's users, you're hopelessly uninformed. You know how the FBI brought down the Silk Road? DreadPirateRoberts, the founder, advertised the SR on a forum under the username "x" (not the actual user name). Over a year later he again uses the username "x" on a completely different forum, dealing with completely different subject matter, where he posts a thread with his gmail address in it. The FBI was able to find both of these, linking the gmail account to the founder of The Silk Road, and Google coughed up his info quickfast. Think about that for a minute, and then try and tell me "I can't be found here."

Also, not replying to somebody's thread just because they have a low post count is fucking stupid. It makes no sense. It encourages new users to spam and answer questions they simply aren't qualified to. Thanks to that "policy" in order to find useful information on a forum like this you have to wade through bible after bible full of spam just to find some information, and when you do it's likely BAD information put forward by some unqualified user all too eager to post useless information since it ups his post-count. I mean exactly what is the point of a forum such as this if most users refuse to answer a pointed question unless it is put forward by an experienced, and well liked, user? I don't mean to come off rude, it just drives me nuts. If I considered myself qualified to answer questions, I'd browse the forums looking for questions I could answer, and answer any that I could regardless of the posting users "reputation" (such as it is). I can't understand why somebody would choose not to answer a question posed here just because the user asking it doesn't have a large enough number next to their name.

Tha CHillz said:
Do a closet grow or use any other discrete location inside the apartment/home. More secure from thieves and minors. Plus you get to check on them while wearing only a pair of boxers.
Unfortunately inside the house is out of the question. I won't go into detail about why, it just is. I know growing in an out-building is generally considered stupid, and is to be avoided if at all possible, but in this instance it can't. Somebody is home, monitoring the security camera feed, and armed 24/7 - at the moment there is only 1 security camera, but it captures the whole room. I intend to add at least 2 more, monitoring the outside of the out-building the grow is in, the area inside the out-building but outside of the growroom, and possibly the front yard.

Really my only concern here is the homeowner or property management company finding out about the grow and evicting me. I've tried to think of every conceivable circumstance that could lead to that and the only thing I'm terribly worried about is somebody noticing new the conduit/wiring heading out to the garage. The only person I can think of who would notice is the meter reader, as the main circuit breaker panel is located outdoors directly beneath the meter itself, and the new wiring conduit will be visible exiting the bottom of the panel.