Normal or Problem? Leaves curling under 2 day old seedling


Active Member
hey there, just got my indoor hydro setup done. I have some 2 day old seedlings and 2 of the 4 are kind of curling under. Is this normal or is there something going wrong that I need to change. Strains are: Vanilla kush, violator kush, super silver haze, and nirvana ice. Thanks!

PS some pics of my setup, not completely done with the ducting/wiring.IMG_2428.jpgIMG_2427.jpgIMG_2426.jpgIMG_2411.jpgIMG_2429.jpgIMG_2431.jpg


Active Member
Hi Mattmo91 ~ Some additional information would be more beneficial to yourself, this will enable us to give you the correct feed-back you need.

As it is i would continue to do what your doing intill you see some true sets far to early, aslong as rockwool is pretreated you should be fine.


Active Member
Yeah I treated the rockwool using PH 5.0 balanced RO water. I mist them a few times a day with a sprayer and just keep them in the tent maintained at 75


Active Member
I wouldnt mist seedlings or put them in a propergator. Iv never found the need to do this they have roots even at that age so they have no need to foliar feed. I germinate using the paper towel once shell has cracked i slip them in root riots or rockwool and let them do there thing!

99.9% success.


Active Member
okay thanks for the tip. what would you recommend doing? Until I transplant them into the hydro bucket, how would you keep watering them?


Active Member
I would water with ph'd RO water let the small cubes dry before rewatering just keep an eye on them. give them some frest air not under that prop.



Well-Known Member
you have added nutrients?

they need food or those leaves will die quickly. also, no need for misting or a dome. shouldn't be anyway. you could put them straight under big lights, may be a bit of shock for a day but they get over it. i've never pampered seedlings and rarely lose any.


Well-Known Member
also 5.0 is alittle low for correct nutrient availability. P is locked out completely at that level i believe. only nutrient that is... but it's best that the seedlings know there is adequate food in the medium or they won't grow right.


Active Member
You are advising to add nutrients before there are any true leaves even showing ? He said he pretreated his Rockwool with ph 5 not feeding them that....


Well-Known Member
You are advising to add nutrients before there are any true leaves even showing ?

yes of course I am.

if you place a seedling into soil it already has nutrients in it. the seedling senses this and grows better. So in hydro you replicate the same thing... 0.6EC a seedling should be placed into right away. The higher EC you go though then the better the seedling will respond. It will grow a thicker stem and have tighter nodes. so say you start two seedlings (in hydro, soil is a different area completely as nutrients are generally less available as a rule)...

one in a 1.6EC feed
the other in a 0.6ec

the one in 1.6EC will stretch less and have a thicker stem than the one in 0.6EC. seedlings start becoming aware of their environment before they even lead the seed casing, so actual seedlings are not as naive as you might think. the environment you present to the seedling, even at this early, stage is very important in regards to it's genetic expression.