North Carolina Growers 2010!


Active Member
I really enjoyed the 2009 NC growers Thread so I am starting this one with the hopes that all you North Carolina growers will share your grow pics and opinions. Im growing 3 girls this year AppleJack, Super lemon Haze and a Sweet Afghani Delicious. AppleJack and S.A.D. were started around the first of April and SLH Early June.



Active Member
Hell yea come on guys I know theres more of you NC growers out there, Dont know about the rest of yall but the weather here has been great for growing so far this year!!!


Well-Known Member
Whats up..Im in NC too and im wondering when yall usually harvest around....this is my first year and i started late because of traveling and have a couple bagseed growing. Everything is growing well.. and yes the weather has been awesome


Active Member
Last year I was forced to harvest September 20th because of mold. We had cloudy/rainy weather for like 2 weeks straight and I had to harvest then or get nothing, wish I could have waited till the first week of October I think most Indicas finish around that time in NC depending on when you planted you seeds.


Well-Known Member
FUCK we got this storm coming in man..HOPE nothing goes wrong with your crop. I heard there is going to be 1/2 inch hail


Well-Known Member
NC here too! Middle of the state, and weather has been SUPER hot, but with some rain too which helps...Any preflowering going on yet for you guys?


Ok NC. I am a newbie both here and to the STATE. I've been here just over a year from the greenelicious conniseur state of Southern Cali setting up new roots here. I am also a newbie on this thread or any other and I am excited know if NC folks would also appreciate, Indoor, 100% organic, Hydro, Aero/nft/FogPonic hydrid combo in Rain water of White Widow, California Dream, and Caramelicious?

I am contemplating LIGHT OF JAH and STRAWBERRY ICE later, watered in blessed mountain magnetized native american holy spring water (under a Pyramid)( A couple of my own ethereal ingredients added in for extra magic. What a ya think.


Those look beautiful my man. Since i moved here i have been noticing and contemplating the perfect out door weather. How do they taste. are they MOMS?