north korea still has nukes

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Yes they do it's in work your instant gratification has to find some middle ground
no they don't.

N Korea said the same thing to the Korean leader before the Trump meeting (but no agreement) N korea has been saying the same thing since 1992 (with no agreement)

Lets be honest here the only person to give ground at the Kim and trump show was Trump. Without I may add even consulting the other players, Japan and S/ Korea ,whilst legitimising a murderous dictator that the world didn't care about until Trump came to power and gave attention to. A murderous dictator who sells his own people into slavery and assassinates his own family members and Trump calls a "a Good guy" and "cares about his people".

Kim has already gotten what he wanted. If he can get any more he will grab it of cause.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Most the world doesn't even expect him to give up his nukes. We don't expect America to and they don't mind using theirs.

It would be fantastic if every country who had nukes got rid of them but lets face it it wont happen.