Northeast Florida, Random Regs Seed


quite a few of my leaves are starting to turn yellow and curling upwards, does that mean its not getting enough water or too much water?


ok well, didnt get much help on this thread so im not going to bother posting any pictures. im having a battle with bud rot, i been just cutting the affected areas off, there hasnt been that much, my friend keeps telling me to go ahead and harvest, but i want to get a few more days out of it, the buds are almost "ripe". actually i guess i will post a couple of pictures before i chop it down. i cant believe its almost time. and it looks and smells funky as hell. especially compared to the nasty dark almost black weed it came from


yellowing leaf's mean its time how many weeks has it been into flowering???itsss time and the storms and will cause mass bud rott not and tiny cattapiller worms will eat into your bud and cause the bud to start rotting