round 2 getting closerView attachment 2847282View attachment 2847283View attachment 2847284View attachment 2847285View attachment 2847286View attachment 2847288View attachment 2847289View attachment 2847290View attachment 2847291View attachment 2847292just have to make it past next few days of rain
looking good there, very close. bittersweet end to my year, went back checking the girls, get to the last plot checkin em down, go down a ways to check to check the rest, come to where one of the better plants was and theres nothing, rootball ripped up on the ground, with the stalks broken off, wtf. and the rest on from there were gone. the stems from the bigger one I found down the trail some, with everything trimmed off it, leaves on the ground. There was a leaf on one of the stems on the ground and I noticed that shit was stiff and green not wilting at all! this shit happened recently, had to of been within 24 hrs. I looked around and found trails weaving all though the thick shit, they went searching hard. My thinking was I just missed them and they took what they could and bailed planning to come back for the rest. fuck that I cut em all. Only one was where Id like it to be, and most had another 2 weeks but all and all Im happy to get the majority of my crop in. And I thought I had such a good spot, far out of the way, had to of been a damn hunter, first weekend of bow.round 2 getting closerView attachment 2847282View attachment 2847283View attachment 2847284View attachment 2847285View attachment 2847286View attachment 2847288View attachment 2847289View attachment 2847290View attachment 2847291View attachment 2847292just have to make it past next few days of rain
these were found in 4-6 ft tall ferns and nettles. (granted the plants were much greener) far back in the woods. Farther than I would exxxscxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsaive had my plot pick by hunters it was on a trail behind everything in tall grass behind the gass. you couldnt see it from the trail but yet somehow this dude found it and took everything except 2 tiny plants so i harvest those about a quarter oz total and it was still green with white hair cus they did it so early. i only had like 4 or 5 plants total. i pulled the males. i wont be ever growing there again. in fact i didnt even grow the last 2 years i not even sure if i will ever again because i dont have a place or seeds. i want to try a cow pen where the soil has been fertalize and composted on a hill in full sunlight. the woodz suck cus no sunlight. i dont like how hunters can just go in the woods and do what they want. i know when my dad hunts he hunts in someone elses woods and its not even his. so what im trying to say its a privledge to hunt there so they shouldnt be taking someones plants when its not even their ground. if they owned the property it would be different. fucking dicks. i have a few places up my sleeve we will see. maybe sometime but not soon i will try again.