Northeastern us strains????


Well-Known Member
Anyone ave any suggestions from S.O.S for a nice mold resistant hardy strain? Im In Lower Northeast so i plant around may 1. I Like To Harvest By Sept 27. Te Day Before Hunting Season Starts =)
I Also Veg Them Indoors For A Couple Months since its not an issue how big they get before i put them out but obviously i dont want literal trees in my truck lol.
I veg indoors one month before planting out late May to early June at 42N in zone 6. Don't know about S. O. S. strains. My best have been Wonder Woman, Holland's Hope and Mandala #1.
i live in the north east of ny near vermont. this year i did barneys chronic thunder, grape ape, and also GDP's gdp. both the grape ape and gdp get some mold the gdp more then the grape but the chronic thunder was spotless, took it down oct. 6th the others were down before the 6th. im looking into Delicious seeds, the sugar black rose, northern light blue and critical sensi star claim high resistances to mold and finishing time around mid-September, and the cheese candy claims VERY high resistances to mold and a harvest time of late September