Northern Colorado growers


if your around clean out your message box. Been trying to send you a msg for days. It says you're over limit when I send.

Sent from Northern Colorado.
Ahhhhhhhhh! That explains why I haven't been getting any messages. My bad brother!

**Should be good now, let me know if not.

**Also to the rest of the crew- see you all this evening! I might be a few min late but should make it :)
Well... I hope I can figure out where the group is considering I've never met any of you! Well... besides bshdcter who is going to be late.

Sent from Northern Colorado.
Running late. About 20 min out. Be wearing blue long sleeve, w a large white circle "CHULA VISTA ELECTRIC" see you all soon

And green badge
Thanks everyone who came! Was great to put faces to names. We should make it a regular thing. Thanks homebrew for the seeds to test.

Sent from Northern Colorado.
Had a good time. Was lost looking at the beer menu. Lol. Got lucky and scored a good blond. Too bad they dont have smoke bars here. I would enjoy that a little more. Maybe one day. Anyways glad to meet everyone that made it.
Widowmaker I agree. It would be nice to have a common spot to sample everyone's wears. I was nice meeting you and the rest of the group. We should do this again. Herb in hand next time would be better.

Yeah, was fun last night nice to meet you all. And a big thanks to homebrew for the seeds, gonna start the Stateline tomorrow!
Hey HB sorry I couldn't make it up I would really like to make the next one. Nice weather is getting close we need to do some more BBQ this summer.