Northern light nug


Well-Known Member
Don't feel bad, I often smoke all the minor buds long before the mains are done. It just makes the plant worker harder at making those bigger. Try smoking males flowers and leaves if you want a nauseating chlorophyll taste.


Well-Known Member
nah yours was probably fire is fuck just didn't focus in all the way
It was good pretty stony complaints except from people who never smoked it on the internet ...which I'm ok with

But the ones here who have actually loved it was some freebies I got...I wouldn't personally go out of my way to grow it again ....smell wasn't as heavy as the other strains I grow ....not bad though.....clubs love to see buyers coming on bag appeal alone .....but il admit compared to my GDP,or OGK it's not as pretty to look at......very frosty and stick though ....