Northern lights by Queen seeds week 8 help...

Free seems like a reasonable price for all those, give or take.

But seriously. 3 different bud boosters, then on top of all that and their 'trio' formula another fish based layer of NPK. I think you're lucky you haven't already killed them with kindness.
Yes I agree, 40% of the nutrients are CalMag I think that's what kept them going and the sensyzime.
It depends on what is so sticky. If you mean your plant, then yes, it should be. That's the resin. If it's your gear, that's a bad thing. If it's your fingers or another appendage, then judgement might be situational.

Er...40% Ca/Mg? This seems proportionally odd.
From what I learned the coco medium potassium cells and phosphate replace the calcium and magnesium cells so i did it based on that concept.

And regarding the stickiness I think it's the good kind with the pungent smells and when I remove some unwanted leaves there's a residue hold's on my fingers even when i wash my hands i can still smell it.

again it's my
Coco coir needs to be washed of sodium, most manufacturers will do a ok job at this, some won't.
Simply said, Calcium and Magnesium are attracted to the coco. It takes all of it it can until it can't hold anymore. So buffering the coco with calcium/ Magnesium nitrate is required before using it as a substrate.
I shoot for 3000ppm and alow it to soak for 24 hrs. Rinse it very well with clean water until the ppm is as low as the clean waters value.
Now it's ready for use and won't deprive the plants of needed cal/mag.
I think you're obliquely talking about Mulder's Chart:


Certain elements block the uptake of other elements depending upon quantity. Others, increase the uptake.

Note that "cells' are living components of actual living entities. There's no such thing as 'potassium cells' or 'magnesium cells;' the smallest particles of elements are atoms, though what we often have are molecules...because the elements we use are often 'tied up' with other elements making chemical compounds. For instance, water, H2O is a compound (two hydrogen atoms, one oxygen atom) where it's smallest individual unit is a single molecule (of water).
Coco coir needs to be washed of sodium, most manufacturers will do a ok job at this, some won't.
Simply said, Calcium and Magnesium are attracted to the coco. It takes all of it it can until it can't hold anymore. So buffering the coco with calcium/ Magnesium nitrate is required before using it as a substrate.
I shoot for 3000ppm and alow it to soak for 24 hrs. Rinse it very well with clean water until the ppm is as low as the clean waters value.
Now it's ready for use and won't deprive the plants of needed cal/mag.

excuse my English, it's not my native language.

Coco coir needs to be washed of sodium, most manufacturers will do a ok job at this, some won't.
Simply said, Calcium and Magnesium are attracted to the coco. It takes all of it it can until it can't hold anymore. So buffering the coco with calcium/ Magnesium nitrate is required before using it as a substrate.
I shoot for 3000ppm and alow it to soak for 24 hrs. Rinse it very well with clean water until the ppm is as low as the clean waters value.
Now it's ready for use and won't deprive the plants of needed cal/mag.
I do the same thing but instead of soaking it i keep the water running.
The available coco coir here where I'm from are the worst kind I believe when i wash and rinse i can see insects or some kinds of debris coming out from it.
My garden water ppm is about 150 so I keep the water running for 3 hours and then check the run of until i get to 150 then i run r/o water for about 1 hour total ppm drops to 50 but it's really hard to keep the flow due to the r/o water poor pressure.

never tried to buffer it with calcium nitrate but i think it's an excellent idea.
Thought about it though but what do I know it's my first grow and basically most of my agricultural background comes from landscaping, crops, indoor tomato grow and importing exotic plants clones they come in a 6" sticks. BTW check out the "ylang ylang" tree it's called chanell 5 it's one of the most fragrant plants in the world and it is rare you can get more profit from cloning one tree than a 5x5 indoor grow(mj).

thank you.
I think you're obliquely talking about Mulder's Chart:


Certain elements block the uptake of other elements depending upon quantity. Others, increase the uptake.

Note that "cells' are living components of actual living entities. There's no such thing as 'potassium cells' or 'magnesium cells;' the smallest particles of elements are atoms, though what we often have are molecules...because the elements we use are often 'tied up' with other elements making chemical compounds. For instance, water, H2O is a compound (two hydrogen atoms, one oxygen atom) where it's smallest individual unit is a single molecule (of water).
Wow ... literally mind blown. Thank you sir I'm humbled .
