Northern Lights Cabinet Grow..First Time

Arch, I was a little worried when I saw the 1st pic because your girl looked droopy but the pics of her without the lights show how beautiful and healthy she is. Keep up the great work! You are absolutely correct in letting your girl do her own thing now. The LST job you have down is great, there's no need to mess with her:)

I know what you mean..every time I open the cabinet those lights make her look a little sick. Once I pull her out and see how green she is, then I stop worrying. She does seems little droopy, but not very much. Ill keep an eye on her. I did one more slight adjustment this morning before the lights went out. She is growing about an inch a night. Now I let her be until the end barring some unforeseen circumstance.

yeah she's looking real good, pretty soon you wont be able to see the chair, LoL.

I now how much you like the "girl in a chair" look so I make sure you get your picture each photo shoot..lmao. That center growth is starting to grow faster so now I let her go all the way around. I want to see how tall she will end up. She hasnt started any real flowers yet, so I am not sure how much more I can expect her to grow. I know that I will have at least 7 weeks from the times she actually flowers.

Looks absolutely beautiful.. Wow

Thanks man! Glad you appreciate her.

Yeah bud, I am excited. All of that is potential BUDS. I want them big and strong. If they keep going the way they have been this last week since 12/12, then Im going to have some serious flowering going on. Im hoping to have at least ten big popsicle size
I topped&then tied tops back.i ended up w/7 fat kolas(had8but lite fell&burned off bad)7-8 med.buds&a gang of ping pong ball sized buds which i left to keep so happy. You will be happy when your done me.its really hard to cut them tho.sad kinda!
So much popularity! gaining a few pages of followers! Just took a look at my nuggies under the microscope and seeing some milky white! very close to harvest, gotta browse my thread once a day from now on to see the final days before i hack the ladies up!
Its like a pot filled with green spider legs spewing out everywhere haha, awesome grow! keep those ladies goin!
Shes still growing steadily. Took the nutes and molasses very well. Hopefully she will start to flower soon. Not much new for I fee like I am watching a pot waiting for it to boil...hahahah.

Your inputs are so welcome...thanks all for taking a look. Enjoy the pics!


are you gonna transplant into a bigger pot ?
I think that will help your yield
and its better to do it now rather than later on in flowering

Looking good none the less man
are you gonna transplant into a bigger pot ?
I think that will help your yield
and its better to do it now rather than later on in flowering

Looking good none the less man

Id like to repot it, but I dont want to mess it up any. if it wont hurt it, I have one size bigger pot I can put it in.

IM sure u said this but when did u start tieing it down? and did u top it?

LOL...Im not completely sure. I would have to go back into the thread and re read it. I topped it twice and again, I can go back in the thread and find it. Its late her and Im tired. Will do it later.. sorry

Looks great, Archminister. I now wish that I would have given more time for my first girls to veg. I was kind of sorting my whole set-up out through trial and error. It was a learning experience and now I feel fairly confident in my lay-out and timing to keep a perpetual grow. I've got some new babies going and I'll be able to put them through a good veg cycle. Thanks for sharing.
Repotting shouldnt hurt it too much, if any trouble at all. If anything, the plant will look sad, but just a quick fresh water and some superthrive, should perk it right back up after a few hours! i repotted a few of my plants to bigger square pots, reduced the cycle size but the yeilds will increase alot. Good stuff man!
hey man awesome grow ive been readin over it for a while im subbed

Nice man..take a seat and enjoy. Hopefully the girls will perk up a bit.

Looks great, Archminister. I now wish that I would have given more time for my first girls to veg. I was kind of sorting my whole set-up out through trial and error. It was a learning experience and now I feel fairly confident in my lay-out and timing to keep a perpetual grow. I've got some new babies going and I'll be able to put them through a good veg cycle. Thanks for sharing.

Anytime Sin..Just like you I am sure we will get a handle on things and have a solid grow cycle

Repotting shouldnt hurt it too much, if any trouble at all. If anything, the plant will look sad, but just a quick fresh water and some superthrive, should perk it right back up after a few hours! i repotted a few of my plants to bigger square pots, reduced the cycle size but the yeilds will increase alot. Good stuff man!

I think I will repot tonight. I am going to lose some height for more growth but I think this will be best. Thanks bud!
hey Arch, I was thinking the same thing Kush said. You need to repot your girl before her buds start to appear. All you have to do is put soil in the bottom of the new bigger pot and sit the smaller pot inside of it and continue filling the new pot with soil. Then water your plant before you transplant it. Take the plant turn it upside down and carefully take the plant out and put it into the new pot. No fuss, no stress:)
Watering your plant prior to xplanting helps with keeping the soil together. It will elminate the chunks that fall off when its out of the pot, that can pull or tear fragile roots. Water it and let it solidify the soil more, then xplant and u will be set! Your ladies wil definetly want more root space. Im seeing its all balled up at the bottom of the ones in party cups that still have 2 more weeks to go. Hopin they dontget stressed out too much.
Well I xplanted her tonight. I think she will like the bigger pot also. I had to redo the LST job but thats ok. Her roots were packed tight to the sides of her last pot. She was pretty damp when i did it so I didnt water prior to moving her into the new pot. She came out easily and went right in. I filled soil around her and watered. Lets see how she does. It may taje her a few days to kick the stress but I am sure she will like her new home. I feel better. I kept hearing that nagging voice in my head saying rootbound...roooootbounddddd.


I want to get her set up so that the lights are on durign the day again. If I give her another 24 hours of darkness, will it hurt her any?
shouldn't hurt it, she will handle it well. One of my powerstrips kicked off and my plants didnt get 2 hours of the 12/12 period, they seemed fine. I think if u do it a few more times with 24 hour dark period it might send it into shock and she will do crazy things. Also might add after you water it, sometimes newly packed soil will pack down further, might want to readd some to the sunken holes that might appear, hoping u know that:P but who knows! gotta throw my tidbits where i can!
When i xlanted my girls to the square pots, the roots were all over the sides of the party cups, definetly thinking rootbound for the farther progressed plants. But this harvest is the last of the mohiccan cups, onto bigger grounds from now on!
Well I xplanted her tonight. I think she will like the bigger pot also. I had to redo the LST job but thats ok. Her roots were packed tight to the sides of her last pot. She was pretty damp when i did it so I didnt water prior to moving her into the new pot. She came out easily and went right in. I filled soil around her and watered. Lets see how she does. It may taje her a few days to kick the stress but I am sure she will like her new home. I feel better. I kept hearing that nagging voice in my head saying rootbound...roooootbounddddd.

oh haha, forgot to add, maybe rig up some new pots with the LST guides on them for xplanting in the future!