Northern lights feminized, indoor first growgrow


New Member
Hey everybody! So I've decided to invest some time into nurturing a baby feminized northern lights plant. Germinating and the first few days went well. But now I am starting to notice some issues...

The new growth and cotyledons are begining to turn a little bit yellow, and the stems are turning purple. Also growth seems to being going pretty slowly
The pictures are from the first 8 days so far (except day 4 is missing)

Please help!

Currently I'm running 3 60w 65k CFL's, 18hrs on and 6 off. Temps are steady between 65-78 degrees

Soil is foxfarm lite warrior, and I've begun to start a lite seedling earth juice nutrient regiment; 1/2 tsp catalyst, 1/4tsp microblast, 1/4tsp grow, in a brewed compost tea using foxfarm ocean forest (for the solid ingredients; fish emulsion, crab meal, shrimp meal, earthworm castings, bat guano, kelp meal, oyster shell, etc)
Being areated at 44gal per hr in a one gallon container

pH of tea and soil balanced at 6.5

Anything that you guys can think of would help out greatly!!



Well-Known Member
Just ease back on the watering because your soil seems a little too damp...and she'll bounce right back :)


New Member
I was also thinking about adding some Hi brix to the compost tea for some added potassium, do you think that's a good idea? And also should I keep going with the nutes or lay off of them for awhile?


Well-Known Member
She doesn't need anything at the moment except to be left alone for a few weeks, so yeah; lay off nutes :bigjoint:
Once she has a few sets of leaves you can think about feeding ...

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
sYour listed nutrients are good - but one should be using a root stimulator in weeks 1-2 (realy thru out grow) nutrient should be introduced at week 3 in small quanities. Need to build a good root ball so the nutrients can really work - your "root ball" will determine your plant size and yields , look at it as a foundation for great yields ! a must for serious cultivators. Happy Cultivation !!!! Your main concern with young plants in the germination and seedling stages of growth is " over watering"


New Member
As promised, here is an update. I'm starting to notice some nute burn... Subsequently I've transplanted my baby into a smaller pot and flushed the soil. I think this has helped as the new growth is green. Also I added great shark as a root booster, which has a bunch good bacteria and fungi, but is what started the burning (I added it to the compost tea). Do you think she's gonna pull through?? Idk what else to do for her, but the burn seems to be staying the same size, and as I said the new growth is green for now

She's at 14 days since sprout

