Northern lights grow.


Yeah. Not too bad at all. I mean just smells like I have a bag open in my room. But I mean that could be a million things. Not to mention I leave to door open often cause of heat issues.


Here is an update to my mini grow room. The cheesus plant is still flowering and turning out pretty nice. The northern lights plants weren't growing as fast ad I expected so i was eager to transfer them. I had two of these little green pots laying around so I filled Em up with some fresh nute filled soil and some fresh water so hopefully they will take off a little better. Also adjusted the lights due to the pots not fitting in the cooler. Here are some pics.



thank you, i will post more picturs of the little guys tmr when there is more progress. just a question, could anyone estimate flowering time on this cheesus if i post pictures of the flowers


I removed a light raised the pots and focused each light per sprout. If anyone could give me an idea on what week this is flowering please let me know. Linda saved it from a friend.



Thank you guys for all the help. Any tips on trimming leaves off from this plant? There are many large ones I feel like could be covering up flowers and maybe clean it up?


hey guys, another update. this should be my third week of flowering on the cheesus plant and 2nd week with my nothern light seeds. the left northern light plant seems to be taking off but the other looks sad. i dont think its nessisarily dead cause it has look like this for quite some time but it has not turned yellow or black. is this a sin of stress? how could i cheer this little guy up to make him look like my other one? please help is loved in here. i did have some laves i trimmed off from the cheesus plant. It had 5-10 half dead leaves or broken leaves so i decided to trim those off, btw got new trimmers, pic later

Left northern light that took off

right nothern light that is... stressed?

Finally got new eye hangers but i hungup the clips upside down. stoned.

Cheesus 3rd week of flower



Well-Known Member
yeah man great work your doing there.. definitely look nice and healthy...+rep

you should get a good camera though to show that girl off better.. it looks all streaky like its been taken on a phone..

not takeing anything away from the grow though..its plain to see your doing great


Thank you so much!! yeah i am using my iphone. damn light makes it streaky. i can usually take amazing pictures with my iphone, the focus is amazing on them. one question i have is nutrients. i have only added a small amount of times. im afraid of giving it too much. i use 1 table spoon of each in 1 gallon of water and use every 2-3 waters.



oh and would that cfl make enough diff to leave there or should i just shut it off? just had it laying around, figured why not?


another update. i hated that the light was so bright from the cfls. so i took the cut cooler i had and made it a cover for my babies. Hopefully now when the light shuts off it will be much darker. the temp reads high but its going down slowly. oh, and i moved the fan around and added 2 more. enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Yeah more light is always better ,every little helps.. and as for nutes your doing great ,way better if you don't overdo it and just give the plant enough.. around about week 3 of flower you should give her some epsom salts .. i don't know the exact dosage ,but i figure that is where my plant started heading south.I know for next time ... but i'm letting you know for this time.. and if you start getting leaves yellowing from the bottom it's a nitrogen problem ,just feed her some nitrogen then.Your not overwatering or anything.. your doing a top job.. just look out for that 3 week epsom salt dose.. plants really burn through mg at this stage ..i have found to my cost..


Update, 3/4/13. this would be the 3rd-4th week of flowering i believe. the other two are like week 3? they should be so much larger i thought. oh well. a bong rip from me to you mates. cheers.
