Northern Lights KC Brains


Well-Known Member
well if its male then u will have to pollinate a female, but if its hermie then no, and more then likely the seeds would be geneticly hermie, kinda the same as feminized but not as stable i guess, i my self dont like fem seeds at all to risky for the cash paid


Well-Known Member
:weed:I have two new beans folks and I would appreciate your continued viewing and great critique's you all are awesome srry about the last cast. Two baby girls I'm psyched.So come along this magical mystery tour:leaf::-P

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:



Well-Known Member
Well its about time you did 2 at a time been waiting for this but i figured u had ur reasons for not doing more than one ill be watching. and yes are these reg fem bag what kinda seed u working with


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Hey I really appreciate everybody's support and I'm using the same seeds I bought from Attitude so they better come through I only bought 10 and used one AKA(Antoinette).The chances are very good that I will at least get one honey.She will be named of course Antoinette and if by cahnce I get really lucky,I'll call the second one "Lucky" lol.:idea:

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:


:bigjoint:Hey I really appreciate everybody's support and I'm using the same seeds I bought from Attitude so they better come through I only bought 10 and used one AKA(Antoinette).The chances are very good that I will at least get one honey.She will be named of course Antoinette and if by cahnce I get really lucky,I'll call the second one "Lucky" lol.:idea:

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:
Good call, I like it!


Well-Known Member
:weed:Here we go again all my friends Wow Coachella Fest is here this weekend.Thats why the bigger pots want to make sure their fed.Not fed up.:idea:Let water run off a little and that should do for at least a couple of days would still be ok after 3 too because the weather this weekend is in the 70's and high humidity for desert like 30's. I think if I miss her Fri. Sat. & Sunday and get to her that night.She should avoid :shock:.

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:



Well-Known Member
Bro what you doing why are those pots only wet in the middle what you donna do when those roots grow out of the wet area and dry up keep pots evenly moist just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the heads up riddleme always there when needed I was wondering about that same seeds from attitude they look so different well if you do know maybe you can break it down to me (newb),so I can understand genetics or gender?


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:Hey all my fellow :hump:humps(Hemps). I am back from the Dead. I had a blast over the weekend last week.Finally back to Normal.:mrgreen:These are today's pictures of my two plants I'm hoping for at least one girl.:cool: Well you all take it easy and as soon as I can I will REP+++everyone I can who's been patiently waiting to see me suceed with at least one grow keep rooting for fellow herbite.

Peace out,



Well-Known Member
:leaf::hug::weed:Hey all you Marijuana smoking tribes with all the good vibes please subscribe to my jibe its all the way live and that ain't no jive Its smoking like a bee hive when its full of that dark purple deliciousness Sticky Icky Honey.:-P

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:


Well-Known Member
:leaf::hug::weed:Hey all you Marijuana smoking tribes with all the good vibes please subscribe to my jibe its all the way live and that ain't no jive Its smoking like a bee hive when its full of that dark purple deliciousness Sticky Icky Honey.:-P

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:
:wall::weed:Just want to say on display that my thought on legalization is in this short Brea. Nations greed to ignore a medical cree for a need in :leaf:Weed:leaf: is as proposterous as this countries lead on the green economical tree.:o


Well-Known Member
Starting a new journal titled "Tilda's Bain"Please all my old friends here come on over will do lunch.I have a very good feeling about this one.

Peace out,