northern lights - which one?

Po boy

Well-Known Member
do u think that a feminized nl is more potent than a nl feminized auto? ready to order seeds but undecided which one. duh!


Well-Known Member
Yes, in general a feminized seed will be more potent than a feminized auto.
Some breeders post THC%. You can use this to compare different strains/types/breeders.
Also, you should get higher yields with a feminized seed vs fem auto.


Well-Known Member
havent read much on the potency difference but i have read autos have less yield...a feminized that went straight to 12/12 would probably yield more than an auto...might take at a little longer for harvest though


Well-Known Member
do u think that a feminized nl is more potent than a nl feminized auto? ready to order seeds but undecided which one. duh!

Well honestly bro, the seed banks site your checking out should state the actual amount of thc either strain has. The bank I use does. And I do remember it saying the (fem) NL is stronger! I myself have a (auto) version of Northern Lights going now! ;) what a small world.. ;) hope you can decide..


Po boy

Well-Known Member
think i'll plant autos in early spring and feminized non autos at beginning of summer. maybe a journal in the makes so i'll finally know. thanks all.
I just recieved my auto nl vision seeds 10 pack fem 2 days ago and already 8 of 10 seeds germed and they were all big and healthy looking. Im just waiting for them to pop any day now. There is no info on the vision seeds auto nl besides the breeders info so i gave em a try and am happy so far. Good luck and ket me no what u pick. Thanks
Dr. Bones