Northern Lights X BB auto & Speed Devil auto


Well-Known Member
No it's the sample buds I took the day of harvest. I have a sore throat so I am coughing a little bit. I'm not coughing due to the vape or anything, if anything it feels like I'm just sucking air out of a tube. I have to exhale to actually know I"m getting something. Which is why I pulled on it so much.

Looks like smoke, taste like warm air.


Well-Known Member
No it's the sample buds I took the day of harvest. I have a sore throat so I am coughing a little bit. I'm not coughing due to the vape or anything, if anything it feels like I'm just sucking air out of a tube. I have to exhale to actually know I"m getting something. Which is why I pulled on it so much.

Looks like smoke, taste like warm air.
So a lot similar to a hookah huh? My throat hurts a lot if I smoke too much all of a sudden too lol. The vape will help with that! So do the trees hit you on the exhale, or can you feel yourself getting high as soon as you inhale? I know I am asking tedious questions have me so interested!


Well-Known Member
Yea, reminds me of a hookah, except I don't need to pull nearly as hard and if I really wanted to I could turn the fan on and have it blow out without me pulling on it. It actually was more of all of a sudden like a wave of being really high hit me. I'd say it took a good good 5-6 minutes. I don't mind answering any questions, everyone should have one lol. Roommate told me it smells like weed though. I'm entirely too baked to notice though. Was expecting burnt popcorn, but meh.

One thing you should know that even though it feels like plastic the glass pieces get very hot. We're still talkin 300F+


Well-Known Member
I think I saw people on the Amazon reviews mentioning that it gets very hot too. How many hits were you able to get out of the bag using only half a bowl?


Well-Known Member
Used the whip not the bag. About 6-8 long LONG drags. 10-15 second long drags. Still getting good hits too, finally started to taste like weed. Not sure if that means it's getting into the buds finally or if it was about to be done, but I had a good few hits left.


Well-Known Member
Used the whip not the bag. About 6-8 long LONG drags. 10-15 second long drags. Still getting good hits too, finally started to taste like weed. Not sure if that means it's getting into the buds finally or if it was about to be done, but I had a good few hits left.
Thanks for the pics! So exactly which part gets hot...just the part below the chamber for the weed, or does the part above the weed get hot too?


Well-Known Member
Anything glass gets hot. So the place that holds the weed, except for the black part(where you're supposed to hold it) as well as the elbow piece. The mouth piece and the tube don't actually get hot, not even warm.


Well-Known Member
Alright two of my friends are telling me it taste like Catfish and tilapia. Not sure if I smell something so specific, but I guess I could taste something a little fishy. Vape is awesome, I don't have to worry about irritating my thoat and the vape actually "numbs" the pain.


Well-Known Member
Alright two of my friends are telling me it taste like Catfish and tilapia. Not sure if I smell something so specific, but I guess I could taste something a little fishy. Vape is awesome, I don't have to worry about irritating my thoat and the vape actually "numbs" the pain.
This was the sample that wasn't dried / cured right? LOL catfish....that's interesting about the vape taking away the pain from your throat. You are killing me with this...I have to have it lol


Well-Known Member
Nope, I microwaved it right after cutting it. Just tried the cured stuff...'s burn what so ever...Didn't cough once. Very much like a hookah. Needs to warm up a bit to start producing good vapor.

It's not so much the vape taking the pain away as it is the weed, but when I smoked the smoke made my throat drier and making me cough more. So just getting rid of the smoke helped. I'm so high lol. Not sure how I'm going to smoke the hash.

EDIT: sorry the stuff my friends tried was the dried/cured stuff.


Well-Known Member
I bought the generic version of the MFLB.
I bought this one.
I go to A LOT of concerts and ball games. Can't wait to try it out.
Keep in mind it still smells like weed. I've been reading that it only smells like popcorn when you turn the temp up high like 500F+. Highest you usually wanna vape at is 400F. I set mine to 380.


Well-Known Member
oh, and btw, this hippy told us yesterday that THC, CBD, etc, starts to burn at 157f. (so if you have a vape seemingly to get the cleanest thc hit from it, you set it to that). Then 185 to get more of a smoke filled vape....
Just saw this in another thread...what do you think? Matter fact, try it then tell me what you think :lol:. And yes, I'm just trying to get you to smoke more ;). I am living vicariously through you right now...


Well-Known Member
140-150F is the temp people usually cook at. While I'm sure it will work, all the reviews and "tips about vapes" threads I've seen say 350-400F is the best temp.


Well-Known Member
Will you be my guinea pig and try a little at those lower temps for me? lol! I'm curious...and know you would give a good analysis!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Weed that taste like fish? EWWWW.. no offense, but I would not toke even if you offered.. you are welcome to toke mine tho. =)


Well-Known Member
Will you be my guinea pig and try a little at those lower temps for me? lol! I'm curious...and know you would give a good analysis!
Are you sure it wasn't Celsius? I tried 140-160F, very very little vapor and I had to pull harder to get it. Didn't really get that high. Not anywhere near 370F+ at least.
Weed that taste like fish? EWWWW.. no offense, but I would not toke even if you offered.. you are welcome to toke mine tho. =)
You obviously don't live in the south United states. Fish tastes amazing here. I'm not sure about the taste really, I don't taste fish *that* much. I know it smells like bomb ass shit when it's freshly ground up.