Northern Lights?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know they're different companies, I just don't know what that has to say about the seeds themselves. The strain and descriptions seem identical. It doesn't mention anywhere about them being fem or not. I bought some different ones that stated they were femenized...


Active Member
Sensi seeds are far more stable than Nirvana, but I still wouldn't pay through the nose for them...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I figured they were higher quality seeds. But $100 difference? I didn't come across the Nirvana seeds until I had already bought the Sensi ones. Oh well...


Active Member
i grew nirvanas' NL 6 months ago. i grew ebb&flow with GH nutes, 400w HPS, scrog. harvested over 7oz dry on just a couple plants, smell doesnt get very skunky though. to compare the high for you....alot stronger than Super Skunk, and a little weaker than Hindu Kush. very discrete shipping.


Well-Known Member
I know I already got the sensi seeds. Very stealth and only took 4 days. I've smoked NL before just didn't know the difference between companies. How many plants was that to get 7oz? I'll be growing 6 under 400w hps.


Well-Known Member
Haha nice. I don't think i'll be veggin that long, probably a month. Don't have that much space to work with. Those plants must have been huge though!


Well-Known Member
i grew nirvanas' NL 6 months ago. i grew ebb&flow with GH nutes, 400w HPS, scrog. harvested over 7oz dry on just a couple plants, smell doesnt get very skunky though. to compare the high for you....alot stronger than Super Skunk, and a little weaker than Hindu Kush. very discrete shipping.
northern lights is one of the strains that is recommended if you are looking for low odor plants. So that can be a good thing


Active Member
they were big, but they were screen of green (scrog), so the height never got over 3ft, the screen was 2x2ft with 1&1/2 - 2 inch holes. read about scrog in the FAQ section, it will explain it if you don't know already.

and no, NL did not have much of an odor. even during last couple weeks of flower they were really mellow. but some people that i have talked to thought that NL was supposed to be skunky, so i thought i would let it be known that its not.


Well-Known Member
Well that's good i guess. Although I'll be growing some purple wreck and skywalker also which I assume will smell much more haha. I've looked into the scrog a bit, don't really fully understand it yet. It seems like a lot of work, no? Don't you have to train the plant to grow through the screen and out to the sides of it? I only have a space about 3X4X7 so I think i'm better off just growing them straight up anyway.


Active Member
not so much work as it is just paying attention. you will get a much larger yield out of a small space with scrog then just growing for the top cola and a few sides, since scrog basically turns every bud site into a cola. if you haven't grown before though i would suggest growing normally, or sea of green, before attempting scrog.

there is a lot of info about it if you would like to learn more, google scrog and you will get some useful stuff. also read through the FAQ sections on crimping, pruning, how to tie down, etc. all of those methods apply to scrog, as well as general growing to improve your yield.

all in all, if its your first grow, just let them grow, feed them right and sing to them daily, if not more (i swear it works!) and you will have some marvelous bud!


Well-Known Member
Yeah this is only my second grow, the first was just 2 plants given to me to take care of... don't even know the strains, but they will be ready to harvest soon. I think I'll just stick with growing these normal, although I looked into using these air baskets for pots (I forget who's journal) and it seems like a good idea. Anyways, thanks for the replies!


Well-Known Member
Well I hope so, since right now all I have is 10 of those. I placed two more orders from dr chronic and haven't received them yet (the NL only took 4 days).