(Not A Noob) Lime green leafs/No yellowing (HD Pics)

OK guys whats up im haveing a real problem with this lime green leaf bullshit there is not 1 yellow leaf on the plant or brown or curling or falling off so what could be doing this? been vegging for 2 months and a week and only recently just starting giving her grow big this is only her 3rd time taking it at 1/2 tsp per gal so no way she is buring I'm thinking this might be a nitrogen defiance but idk i cant seem to find a str8 answer obviously it cant be salt build up (only gave her nutes 3 times) or ph cuz i been using r/o water only pretty much the hole grow till now and this is my 8th grow also it cant be PH fox farm ocean forest buffers the ph but i don't use any cal+mag i hear i should but when i look at plant problems i cant find any pics or anyone with my same problem its always lime green and yellowing mine has no yellow at all none o ya and the growth to me has seemed to slow down cuz at 2 months and a week she still ain't filling up my 2ft by 2ft screen. plz help me out here the more people the better also there is more info below and pics even more pics at very bottm:

P.S. o ya here is the list of whats in grow big and i know the leafs look droopy like overwatering cuz i did over water today only was in a rush i am not one to over water i water by how heavy the pot is this is the only time i overwaterd so its not that eather:


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How long has this problem been going on?
2 weeks or so

What STRAIN are you growing?
Industrial kush

What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)

What is the age of your plants?
2 months and a week vegging

How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?
Starting in a 2 gal for like a month then transpalnted to a 5 gal pot.

Were they in the same mixture when they were seedlings/smaller plant? If not, what
mixture were they in before?
its a clone and i started it in the same soil im in now

How Tall are the plants?
idk i have been lsting it so it looks small

(seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?

What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
Lst/scrog but it seems to hve been growing slowering im a week and 2 moths in and it still has not filled a 2ft by 2ft screen

What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)
5 gal 1 plant

What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)
foxfarm ocean forest

What brand Nutrient's are you using?
foxfarm grow big

How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
1/2 tsp growbig to a gal of r/o water

How often are you feeding?
it would be every other day or every 2 days but i just started giving her nutes only about 3 times now at 1/2 tsp a gal

What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
I have no idea but i have never had a plant die yet and this is my 8th grow

What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
well foxfarm has a ph buffer in it and i only water with r/o water and have only given her nutes 3 times

How often are you watering?
I pick the pot up to feel when to water i know when to water

When was your last feeding?

What size bulb are you using?
250 watt hps

How old is your bulbs?
almost new

What is the distance to plant from light?
far but not to far cuz i want them to strech up

What is the canopy temperature?
80 or less 24/7

What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
in can be at 80 during day and since winter is here it can drop all the way down to 60s at night

What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
a perfect amount

Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
off center alittle

What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well
water? Distilled? Mineral Water?

Are plant's infected with pest's?

I took these outside my box:

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Well-Known Member
You should begin foliage feeding. That will help get a nice dark green canopy. Do it right before the light goes out to prevent burning. Lightly mist the canopy, even with spraying just water it will help darken the leaves.


Active Member
Hey bro, found this link that covers problems. Pretty informative...Posted 1 section of the link but the link is huge.....peace

Miscellaneous Sick Plant Troubles

This picture is caused by temperature changing from cold to warm, cold nights and warm days.

Some varieties, like equatorial sativas, don't take well to cold weather. If you can keep the roots warmer, the plant will be able to take cooler temps than it otherwise could. Also note that in colder temps, phosphorus gets poorly absorbed and if this happens your plants can show purpling of the leaves and stems, (cannabis has a natural purple color to it's stems, the deep purple is what shows the problem)this is the same example when plants change color in flowering when environment triggers cause the plant to change color, also genes play a role as well.

looks like their feeding... green veins. ph that run off just in case it very well could be ph slowing down the feeding.
funny u say that i tryed sum foiler feeding of sum supernatural green stay 5-0-2 cuz i know thats the quikest way for the leafs to uptake it but i dident notice a diffrence in color i sprayed them back to back 2 days in a row 1 time a day i dont like to mist at night cuz mold i mist it by takeing the plant out the box spray it down let dry then put back in box


I had the exact same problem with a ww grow, after extensive troubleshooting I determined mine to be from cold weather change cause nothing else proved otherwise. I ended up switching out my 400 T5 for a MH light with a cheap reflector to raise the temps and switched from a 20/4 cycle to 24x7 on veg to keep the temp up. I also started a once a week foliar feed and the turn around was within a week.
out of all 8 grows growing with all the same soil and all same water i dont see why now it would do this i vegged my last grow as long and got them both 3 ft tall 2 plants and they only got alittle yellow getting into flower but just for u i will check next watering.
well the temps drop low in my room cuz winter like it might run 80 all day but at night when i sleep it can get down to 60's for sure but as for u foiler feeding did u just stop putting nuts in soil all together? i have foiler feed befor other plants and even this one like 2 times.
When i using R/O WATER i get same problem with soil . I find out that if use stright RO water in soil it dropped ph down to 4.7 from 6.5 . Check you PH run off first . i mix half tap and half ro water they doing better . I think you need CAL-MAG. i wouldnt add more nutes cuz what if nutes lock out in soil cuz of low ph from RO water .. good luck . check run off ph .

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
It looks like just the top is affected. I'd say your light is a little too close and it's causing minor bleaching (chlorophyll production can't keep up with photosynthesis).
When i using R/O WATER i get same problem with soil . I find out that if use stright RO water in soil it dropped ph down to 4.7 from 6.5 . Check you PH run off first . i mix half tap and half ro water they doing better . I think you need CAL-MAG. i wouldnt add more nutes cuz what if nutes lock out in soil cuz of low ph from RO water .. good luck . check run off ph .
but why now out of all the long grows iv done with just r/o no ph no cal mag and they were 3ft tall i have had yellowing before idk why but i never seen my plant turn this wired lime green color and not yellow out or anything
Ok so out of the people that posted so far these are the problems they think it can be:

1.feed more
2.foliage feed
3.temperature change from warm to cold night temps
5.Light to Close