Not being gross, but do you ever get turned on when you smoke?


Well-Known Member
i almost nut sometimes when i open a bag and take a big whiff of some high grade shit im getting excited just thinking about it


Well-Known Member
If you show us your titties, that might help us get turned on. Show some titties. Do it.
WOW i mean look at that, i mean would you just look at that!!
lol just joking but yea i think that would work unless your talking man titties or some thing


Well-Known Member
yea i get the feeling too but when it comes time know i just cant i start off great but then its like never ending and yeaaaa. i just cant get-er-done! the wife ends up just telling me too stop. sad, so now i dont even bother any more am i the only one ?


Weed Modifier
yea i get the feeling too but when it comes time know i just cant i start off great but then its like never ending and yeaaaa. i just cant
get-er-done! the wife ends up just telling me too stop. sad, so now i dont even bother any more am i the only one ?
Gotta get that spark back...teasing and shit is what you need for both to be aroused! and then you will have no problems...maybe its just feels like the same(pattern)...get that shit mixing man show her how she makes yah feel and she might respond better to get you off...idk just a thought