not flushing chemical fertilizer out of plants

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bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
somebody please tell me why if i do not flush my plants with plain water after i harvest them they smell like fertilizer when dry and taste nasty like burning fertilizer and also the ash is not grey its black and thick clogs up smoking devices also makes a popping noise wile being smoked also insanely harsh on the lungs with the fertilizer taste and when i get it tested from iron labs it comes back unsafe for use ? please tell me what is up ? why is this . i want to learn . i will have to keep flushing my plants unless you can help me . now some of us have brains that work some do not go ahead and answer this question and tell me how to solve the issue with out flushing the chemical nutrients out .
In my experience bad tasting weed comes from a short cure or using excess nutes throughout the grow...I don't think you can flush out 4 months worth of nutes in 2 weeks.. I believe a lot of growers should use more water and half the nutes they do... if you do it right... tastes great right off the plant..
somebody please tell me why if i do not flush my plants with plain water after i harvest them they smell like fertilizer when dry and taste nasty like burning fertilizer and also the ash is not grey its black and thick clogs up smoking devices also makes a popping noise wile being smoked also insanely harsh on the lungs with the fertilizer taste and when i get it tested from iron labs it comes back unsafe for use ? please tell me what is up ? why is this . i want to learn . i will have to keep flushing my plants unless you can help me . now some of us have brains that work some do not go ahead and answer this question and tell me how to solve the issue with out flushing the chemical nutrients out .
Because, you should be flipping burgers instead of trying to grow this amazing plant.
there are two types of nutrients, mobile, and immobile.. mobile elements can move around in the plant where needed, immobile elements stay where they are in the plant.. even if another part of the plant shows a deficiency of this element, it will never move around in the plant, because that's not how it works..
dumping water through a medium such as soil will never do anything to remove immobile elements simply because they can't move through out the plant.. dump all the water you want through soil, the immobile elements will never magically get flushed out of the plant because, well, science..
somebody please tell me why if i do not flush my plants with plain water after i harvest them they smell like fertilizer when dry and taste nasty like burning fertilizer and also the ash is not grey its black and thick clogs up smoking devices also makes a popping noise wile being smoked also insanely harsh on the lungs with the fertilizer taste and when i get it tested from iron labs it comes back unsafe for use ? please tell me what is up ? why is this . i want to learn . i will have to keep flushing my plants unless you can help me . now some of us have brains that work some do not go ahead and answer this question and tell me how to solve the issue with out flushing the chemical nutrients out .

This still happens when you slow dry for 8 to 20 days and then cure for 1 to 2 months min ?

I find that there are things you can do during growing that will mean your weed will dry faster and seem more cured but normally that mean less yield or cutting down pretty dry buds

got a few tricks, one is the boil, other is aspirin and the other is to cut everything but potassium from feeding the "flush" you do would be something when I just feed potassium sulphate but I get more bud growth in that last 1 to 2 weeks over plain water

A lot of people seem to say the same thing but this is mostly people that fast dry and don`t cure just wanna sell it asap to the next guy

if that`s all you wanna do then keep on with your "flushing" method, I don`t care what a commercial grower does I`m probably never going to even see their herb let alone get to vape some
somebody please tell me why if i do not flush my plants with plain water after i harvest them they smell like fertilizer when dry and taste nasty like burning fertilizer and also the ash is not grey its black and thick clogs up smoking devices also makes a popping noise wile being smoked also insanely harsh on the lungs with the fertilizer taste and when i get it tested from iron labs it comes back unsafe for use ? please tell me what is up ? why is this . i want to learn . i will have to keep flushing my plants unless you can help me . now some of us have brains that work some do not go ahead and answer this question and tell me how to solve the issue with out flushing the chemical nutrients out .
What are u using, and at what levels?
there are two types of nutrients, mobile, and immobile.. mobile elements can move around in the plant where needed, immobile elements stay where they are in the plant.. even if another part of the plant shows a deficiency of this element, it will never move around in the plant, because that's not how it works..
dumping water through a medium such as soil will never do anything to remove immobile elements simply because they can't move through out the plant.. dump all the water you want through soil, the immobile elements will never magically get flushed out of the plant because, well, science..

Ok I get that but what about mobile elements
I only know from experience that when you over fertilize with synthetic nutrients the entire grow there's no amount of flushing that will remove it. That is because whatever readily available elements you give your plants they will absorb; I'm not smart enough to explain it any other way except to say that if you give your plants dissolved salts it will keep them alive and happy but that doesn't mean it will not affect the end result once you light it on fire & inhale the smoke. That's why less is more when it comes to nutrients and why weed grown organically has a better more natural flavor. If you must use nutes use them sparingly but organic soil gives the best flavors; hands down no question.
Organic soil forces the plant to feed itself whereas synth nutes force feeds the plant itself. Plants in organic soil pull what they need from the dirt and convert it to usable sugars & leave behind what's not needed. Plants fed synthetic nutes absorb as much as they can of what you give them and the excess is deposited into the flesh of the plant. This is why even after you flush your ash turns black and pops from too much magnesium. A super long cure can help with the taste but honestly organic bud tastes good even still kinda wet; that's because there's nothing unnatural in it to cure out. Organic weed actually tastes like it is supposed to; a flavor that is representative of the strain you grew. Alotta peeps have discredited me as some wierd hippie guru or something because I suggest using clean non chlorinated water, fresh vermicompost, and organic soil but I keep saying it because I wish somebody told me long ago to dump my nutes. So pour that shit down the toilet, grow organic & start recycling your soil, start up a worm factory, and stop using tap water in your grow. You'll have the dankest bud you ever smoked no lie
I only know from experience that when you over fertilize with synthetic nutrients the entire grow there's no amount of flushing that will remove it. That is because whatever readily available elements you give your plants they will absorb; I'm not smart enough to explain it any other way except to say that if you give your plants dissolved salts it will keep them alive and happy but that doesn't mean it will not affect the end result once you light it on fire & inhale the smoke. That's why less is more when it comes to nutrients and why weed grown organically has a better more natural flavor. If you must use nutes use them sparingly but organic soil gives the best flavors; hands down no question.
Organic soil forces the plant to feed itself whereas synth nutes force feeds the plant itself. Plants in organic soil pull what they need from the dirt and convert it to usable sugars & leave behind what's not needed. Plants fed synthetic nutes absorb as much as they can of what you give them and the excess is deposited into the flesh of the plant. This is why even after you flush your ash turns black and pops from too much magnesium. A super long cure can help with the taste but honestly organic bud tastes good even still kinda wet; that's because there's nothing unnatural in it to cure out. Organic weed actually tastes like it is supposed to; a flavor that is representative of the strain you grew. Alotta peeps have discredited me as some wierd hippie guru or something because I suggest using clean non chlorinated water, fresh vermicompost, and organic soil but I keep saying it because I wish somebody told me long ago to dump my nutes. So pour that shit down the toilet, grow organic & start recycling your soil, start up a worm factory, and stop using tap water in your grow. You'll have the dankest bud you ever smoked no lie

What weird hippie guru .......jk ...makes sense but takes patience ...I don't see cash croppers taking the time
What about the small grower who only gets 4 ozs in 2 months....his weed is gone before he can even cure it....... it's not all about money....
Impatience all around the board ....I don't know anyone personally busting there balls for a 4oz harvest at a time .......that's why I refer to large gardens ...because it's more work either way organic or synthetic ----large gardens----
I've flushed my plants in every harvest but the first few and the quality and taste has done nothing but get better......go ahead don't flush, flush I don't care I just offered my opinion, take it for what it is.

If you use salt based ferts you should prolly flush at lease once about a week before harvest, then plain water or if you really think feeding a dieing plant until it's last day is best go with a very light feet mix until harvest...
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