not growing. month old and 3 inches!


Well-Known Member
what the hell is going on? they are not doing a damn thing. i see every one else's pictures and they got one footers after a month and a half and i am here with a bunch of 3 inchers after at least 4 weeks. I'm bout to start getting bent outta shape. PLEASE HELP!!!! and i know this question has been asked a million and ten times.

--- i let the soil dry out between waterings. and have not given any nutrients.


Well-Known Member
if i was you dude id start fresh with a new grow lol i ont belive you have kept it for a month get rid start again my friend


Well-Known Member
I agree, Start new, use some type of nutrients. Water when the pots feel light. Plants use a lot water.


Well-Known Member
How big are your containers? When the roots run out of room the plant does not grow. I have a plant that is almost 2 feet tall & it was in a 1.5 gallon container(roots ran out of room), then I filled a 3.75 gal container with soil & sat the 1.5 on top(roots ran out of room again), then I filled a rectangular tray about 2 or 3 inches deep with soil. My point is that the roots need mass amounts of space. My plant still has to flower at least another month or so.


Well-Known Member
As long as your plants look healthy & you transplant now they should start growing again.


Well-Known Member
see the thing is - they are in 5 gallon buckets. really pissing me off. do i have enough time to start over? it's may 28 and i live in the NORTH EAST so... how much time do i have?


Well-Known Member
GIVE IT NUTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

can you really not understand why the plant is not growing when you aren't giving it food to grow??????? come on about a little common sense here/


Well-Known Member
i thought it was to soon for nutes? - as in they were not big enough for nutes. i'll give it a try and see what becomes of it though.


Well-Known Member
if the plant is not growing, then it has used everything that is in it. give it nutes, and 1/4 or 1/2 strength.... no more.


Well-Known Member
how about high nitrogen bat guano? --- teas? will that work? i have had some teas sitting for about a week - is that long enough?


Active Member
Ok buddy i had the exact same problem. my plants were 3 weeks old and only like 1.5 in tall. were not growing at all and i was in the same sinking boat you are in now.

the thing i missed was proper ventilation. ya when people said fix the fan i thought i had everything alright but you really need to blast your plants with fresh air. i fixed my fan set up and my plants seriously doubled over night from one simple change.

don't give up, give them lots of o2, they can make it! lots of TLC and some O2 thats all you need budday

best of luck


Well-Known Member
Well really they need CO2, When the air around the leafs isn't moved the plant uses up all the CO2. This is why fresh air and oscillating fans are important, and adding a CO2 enrichment systems helps tremendously. The perfect CO2 level for ganja is around 1500 PPM for CO2 in the air.