Thanks geeza.even with all the shit i give you, all i've got for you is 3 words; f*ck the police. best of luck in all seriousness. nobody should be locked up for weed
CPS is a big deal. Any attorney or in UK terms solicitor or barrister would have separate representation. Knowing common law is one thing walking in to defend yourself is fraught with problems because I doubt you know statutory law.Thanks geeza.
Really I'm a humble sort of fella. Shame we met over shit however I'm a forgiving ole git.
Never have I produced for profit YET! (Oh yes I will be doing so very soon believe it or not)
At the moment I'm a helicopter gunship LOL Bipolar fully on the reckless personality side taking on CPS.
Off my own back no barristers here just me them an a judge.
Because I AM Not guilty of production. And have a shedload if evidence in my rotary canons with sidewinders waiting in reserve.
Had it been cultivation. Hands up guilty as charged.
Anyway 1st of July cometh.
Looking forward to a media circus If they want to take it to trial
This is just a show of evidence
For judgiepoohs to make the decision.
Either way it's a win win for UK medicinal cannabis
If it was a trial yes would have a barrister but it's a pre trial hearing a show of evidence for judge to decide whether it is worth taking for trial and whether it is in public interest to do so.CPS is a big deal. Any attorney or in UK terms solicitor or barrister would have separate representation. Knowing common law is one thing walking in to defend yourself is fraught with problems because I doubt you know statutory law.
There is a saying, The attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client. PLEASE lawyer up now. I doubt you'll listen to me but good luck anyway. If you don't have a very skilled rep this can get quite ugly.
Well then it all works out, congratulations.............snip.......
Don't want to rub there noses in it but if they want to take it to trial it will be made into a media show for medicinal cannabis.
Because my company also has a LOI on completion of a successful trial to convert and produce Cannabis and a proposal taking things further.
Trial will be linked to rollitup pretty soon
I'm sorry to tell you but you're getting convicted I'm afraid, you were cultivating weed the end, you're guilty in the eyes of the law.M8 CPS have made a bo bo on this one
Over 28 plants in UK denotes production apparently
BUT 480 watts cannot be production with figures of 1 gram per watt as given yields from
Many institutes.
What I was doing was cultivation a totally different charge.
I have never produced for profit. My medicine only.
Since there is no double jeopardy
A bit difficult to charge me again.
It will be going in front of a jury in probably a couple of years time with. Backlog of 56000 cases, weed could be legalized before I get to court, who knows.
Hmm yes wonder if they can find a juror who doesn't toke in the UK
Believe my brief can also refuse jurors as an additional benefit
Here's the problem CpS have charged me with production, not cultivation.I'm sorry to tell you but you're getting convicted I'm afraid, you were cultivating weed the end, you're guilty in the eyes of the law.
Production with intent to supply or/and having concern in the supply is different charge.
I got caught with 2kg + 4 flowering plants, 4 mothers and some auto's.
I naturally got convinced of production because they got it, I also got charged with concern in supply but not convicted as there was no evidence whatsoever of any sales.
Best of luck to you!
Well I certainly hope you get off with it.Here's the problem CpS have charged me with production, not cultivation.
Clearly it's the wrong charge
Since there is no double jeopardy in this country the charge cannot be changed.
Hence pre trial hearing.
IF! CPS has not the evidence to convict me it has to be case dismissed.
End of story.
Hopefully come tomorrow
The conclusion will have happened
And as stated luck will not come into this.
Evidence will.
Here's the problem CpS have charged me with production, not cultivation.
Clearly it's the wrong charge
Since there is no double jeopardy in this country the charge cannot be changed.
Hence pre trial hearing.
IF! CPS has not the evidence to convict me it has to be case dismissed.
End of story.
Hopefully come tomorrow
The conclusion will have happened
And as stated luck will not come into this.
Evidence will.