Not having much luck


Hey guys , I just got a bubbleponics system and have yet to get anything going ... Come to the conclusion I need some basic help getting out of the gate , got some easy questions :
after adding my germinated seeds to my rock wool cubes , how much light do I need to give them at first ?
when and how often do I start watering ?
when and how often do I apply the nut's

sorry for the basic questions guys , really new​


Well-Known Member
The problem is heat not light, so you can't have too much light. But like I wouldn't be running a 400w HID for baby plants just a CFL light is good.
Bubleponics I only know by the idea but they sit in a reservoir of water with a bunch of bubbles, why would you water them
Nutrients are stored in the seedling generally for the first 3 weeks of life they need no nutrients. Around week 3 or 4 you can start with light nutrients but watching your plant to see if it is turning pale is key.

Check this out, I know bubbleponics is stupid cheap this system is pretty cheap and it has a user forum on here too. You can really just use methods already known to work if you have this many questions:


Active Member
light- like dude said above, heat is the biggest issue with young plants/clones....CFLs will be more than enough for your young ones, however it IS possible to have too much light....too much light will bleach the leaves, causing whats called chlorosis, but for this to happen youd about have to have a plant a few inches away from a 600 or 1000w bulb, and even then plant leaves tend to get burned before bleached...

water- bubbleponics is hydro, so assumin you put your plant/medium directly into the res....the roots then grow and get submerged underwater, and will thrive as long as they receive plenty of oxygen via an airstone/bubble bar or h202 supplements (though airpumps are much more effective and efficient)

nutes- again like guy above said, wait for your plants to show deficiencies before addin nutes (youll know it when you see it)....nutes are then kept in the reservoir 24/7, adding more as the plants get older....please note though, start out with about a 1/8th of what the nute bottle recommends and work your way plants, right before harvest, would get nute burned if i even went HALF of the recommended dose, so keep in mind that when growin, LESS IS MORE....I HIGHLY recommend you get a ppm/tds meter, this will save you a whole lot of headache and will make quick work of addin nutes...change the water in ur res at least once every 2 weeks, and you should be good...good luck!