Not Just Playing Anymore... New Vacuum Oven!

Pizzapunk take that crumble re-vac it at 115° until the crumble reliquifies lower temp to 100° and leave vac for 2-3 hours flip patty and repeat. That is how ive been able to get crumble to shatter.
Ok ive had it at 115 with a full vac for almost an hour and its still crumble. Im starting to think its my product. Which was really good quality(mostly nug).

Heres a short run down of what im doing. Extracting into a pirex, waterbath (i know thats a no no) then into the chamber at 105 until hardly any reaction. Then i scrape it with a scraper and put it on PP and toss it back in the oven and pull full vac. Shortly after it starts to crumble
I do not think its going to shatter up, and yes good stuff waxes up quicker I have noticed

take some wax paper and fold it in half and smash all the stuff together and do this a few times, the heat from your hands will heat it up and make it stick together
ohhh you could take a heat gun to it and do blasts of heat but i think you will degrade the product
Sounds like the strain to me. You will need to Winterize or Dewax to avoid that. I've had some strains that did that to me as well.

Finally got my phone back, I'll post some pics later today to further 'introduce' myself off rollitup
Sounds like the strain to me. You will need to Winterize or Dewax to avoid that. I've had some strains that did that to me as well.

Finally got my phone back, I'll post some pics later today to further 'introduce' myself off rollitup
cant remember if i posted this or not, but i got some dank looking stuff from a buddy..burned great in a j, white ash etc, but when i ran it for bho it was dark, and it waxed up fast, ended up being a waxy patty, guess some strains are just assholes.