not looking good

I would have dug up as many as I could and saved them but hey..thats just me I guess.

sorry to hear you are losing the battle with MN :cry:
Don't mean to sound harsh but when buying a home you pretty much gotta go through a check list. Tornadoes? Nope. Hurricanes? Nope. Periodic floods? Yup. Hold up.
water is at my door steps...with the predictions, I'm diesel truck is sinking...I'm screwed I believe....its life....;)


That is really unfortunate, but get out while you can mojo. Water can move heavy objects, no point in taking risks. Do you at least have somewhere to land while this works itself out?
I get it. In the face of diversity I tend to hunker down and ride it out as well. I am no stranger to floods, even in my own basement, and I have been caught and swept downstream a few times in spring runoff. Your situation sounds pretty severe, I really hope for you that it is over sooner than later.
I'm getting the impression that your house then will be ok but the property is at risk. Well if that's the case at least your home will be spared...that's gotta be a ray of hope. And one less worry for you.
Hopefully the property can stand this until it dries back. Sorry on the crop I guess...are they toast?
the water is gone from my driveway for now...its down 2 inches...but more warm weather indicates it will rise again...still a dry yard...;)


Sounds like a win. It may be a small win, but anything that averts disaster is still a win. No doubt there is going to be a small mess to clean up after it is all over. I am going to uncross my legs now since they fell asleep, LOL, but I will keep my fingers crossed, and my eyes if I get stoned enough.