New Member
But none the less it was cool.
My first shroom trip
So i ate some mushies last week firs time. Didnt hae enough for a good trip jus enough for a buzz. Sad to say but anyhow first off
I ate them free i actually dot think they taste bad. Just a dirty water taste somewhat. Bu after a few bites it was kinda gettig to me.
Chopped em up pu em in choco milk and drank.
Went to go watch robbin hood lol the new movie with my friend and felt fine.
When i got home i was starrig at my norway flag. And oh my was that sweet. Everythig mergin into eachother and the flags where diviided into for halves and eac half spinnin in circles. That was amazing.
Now im stoked for next tima for the real deal!!
My first shroom trip
So i ate some mushies last week firs time. Didnt hae enough for a good trip jus enough for a buzz. Sad to say but anyhow first off
I ate them free i actually dot think they taste bad. Just a dirty water taste somewhat. Bu after a few bites it was kinda gettig to me.
Chopped em up pu em in choco milk and drank.
Went to go watch robbin hood lol the new movie with my friend and felt fine.
When i got home i was starrig at my norway flag. And oh my was that sweet. Everythig mergin into eachother and the flags where diviided into for halves and eac half spinnin in circles. That was amazing.
Now im stoked for next tima for the real deal!!