Not so Good Tools


Well-Known Member
you smoke with them they cost some and yet they still dont perform well. ELEMENTS 70 MM rollers- made in indonesia. i had another i wish i didnt give away. i just took my dank shake and put it threw and had to sit there and use both hands one on one roll and the other on the back just to get this thing rolling. before id use my thumbs on the front and all the bud would pop out at once and be shot into the air. pissed me off so bad. but this thing suchs. even brand new and the rollers stuck and wouldnt move. have you ever had a piece that failed you?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i don't own complicated pieces or tools, so i've never had one "fail", but basic design flaws in glass drive me nuts. like a carb that's too close to the bowl so no matter what you burn whatever finger or thumb is on the carb. then you have to turn it all sideways so you don't burn yourself and some smoldering herb falls on your leg and burns your pants.

or pipes where the bowl isn't angled right and you can't see the herb while you burn it. watching the herb burn is important to me.

my biggest peeve is papers with shitty glue, though. i hate rolling a perfect doob only to have the paper not stick or start to unravel while i smoke. ez widers were notorious for that when i was in high school. haven't used 'em since.


Well-Known Member
i don't own complicated pieces or tools, so i've never had one "fail", but basic design flaws in glass drive me nuts. like a carb that's too close to the bowl so no matter what you burn whatever finger or thumb is on the carb. then you have to turn it all sideways so you don't burn yourself and some smoldering herb falls on your leg and burns your pants.

or pipes where the bowl isn't angled right and you can't see the herb while you burn it. watching the herb burn is important to me.

my biggest peeve is papers with shitty glue, though. i hate rolling a perfect doob only to have the paper not stick or start to unravel while i smoke. ez widers were notorious for that when i was in high school. haven't used 'em since.
dude my biggggggggggest peeev is when glass peices have a carb the size of magic johnson but a pinsized bowl head and mouth hole

like WTF was the blower thinking


Well-Known Member
hate the burnt thumb, same with the angle of the bowl. i hate burning my hair while im trying to enjoy my day. id roll mine by hand but ive never been able to. also my hands tent to sweat sometimes so doesnt work out so well.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
dude my biggggggggggest peeev is when glass peices have a carb the size of magic johnson but a pinsized bowl head and mouth hole

like WTF was the blower thinking
i forgot that one. that's a major violation. i shouldn't have to collapse a lung to get high. just packing the bowl clogs a tiny hole. i've broken 2 shitty pipes just trying to unclog that tiny hole so i can get some kind of hit.



Well-Known Member
i forgot that one. that's a major violation. i shouldn't have to collapse a lung to get high. just packing the bowl clogs a tiny hole. i've broken 2 shitty pipes just trying to unclog that tiny hole so i can get some kind of hit.

i have a glass peice i dont use becasue of this very problem

i have to pull so hard on my lungs i litteratly start getting a head ache and getting light headed from oxygen deprivation lol


Well-Known Member
My brother bought me a pretty bubbler for xmas, and wouldnt you know, the shit doesnt bubble, or if it does bubble, water comes up into the stem. basically now when we use it, its just like a plus sized normal pipe, it hits pretty hard, still requires some water in it... but its not a true bubbler

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
And i'ev never been able to hit a running deer at 500 yards. Somethings have to be learnt through experience. all of my experience has taught me that rolling machines roll shitty joints that are not very enjoyable. Sure it took me say a month of practice to learn to roll, but hey, it took me a month of practice to learn how to drive, i wouldn't just hire a chauffeur because i stalled first attempt.


Well-Known Member
My brother bought me a pretty bubbler for xmas, and wouldnt you know, the shit doesnt bubble, or if it does bubble, water comes up into the stem. basically now when we use it, its just like a plus sized normal pipe, it hits pretty hard, still requires some water in it... but its not a true bubbler
sherlock or hammer?

small sherlocks are notorious for getting a mouth full of water

i dont trust a bubbler if its under 3.5 inches as its bount to be small enough to vacuum the water up


Well-Known Member
sherlock or hammer?

small sherlocks are notorious for getting a mouth full of water

i dont trust a bubbler if its under 3.5 inches as its bount to be small enough to vacuum the water up
lol i dont know the difference, ive only ever smoked out of my brother's bubbler, then the one he bought me. If it helps it goes vertically rather than horizantally

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Neither do i but a 2 second google search tells me that a hammer pipe looks like a hammer, and a sherlock pipe looks like sherlock homes pipe.


Well-Known Member
Its a sherlock, my bad. And yeah, I feel like the stem is off, which is why it sucks up water or wont bubble


Well-Known Member
lol i dont know the difference, ive only ever smoked out of my brother's bubbler, then the one he bought me. If it helps it goes vertically rather than horizantally


get the reference ? lol



get the reference?

and these are my fav

side car hammer


as of rightn ow i have a frosted glass diffused sherlock 6 inches