Not sure if this is nute burn, ph burn or cal mag? Help please

So I am in week 5 of flowering and I am getting this yellowing. pics 1 and 2 are one plant i pulled out of my garden to get a better pic. whats is this
yellowing? Are they auto-ing out? Cal mag? pic 3 is a pic of the nutes we use but we use cal mag? I grew medi bud once ad it was a cal mag whore!
or did I burn them by pushing the nutes up? big bud is suposed to be able to handle alot of nutes and i was not far above the recomended feeding. We use straight water in between feedings with some cal mag just in case and this still happens. Other than the leaves the calyxs are fine and only sections of plants are effected. Help please

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ph burn happens when your ph spikes to high. roots will lock out and stop recieving nutrients. Ph in soil should be 6.3-6.5


Well-Known Member
did I burn them by pushing the nutes up
Thats putting it mildly, you fuckin sizzled them and now the buds will taste like burnt popcorn. All you can do is flush well and drop nutes back to what they were.