Not sure what my clones need.Help me out.


Active Member
White fire og transplanted 2weeks ago on 6 " rockwool
Top feed ,Watered every 3-4 days , now started once a day
750 ppm /ph5.7-6.1
*General organics nuts:
-Bio thrive
-Bio root
-Bio weed
4' fl 67k light 18/6 ; 2-3 inches away

Im guessing is mg Deficiency but not sure
Just dont want to make it wost
Light green margins,curled and burnt. Tips are olso burnt
I flushed them 2 days ago and jumped back on nutes



Active Member
Could be too strong man. maybe flush and when they perk up try 1/2 strength. I've also got the GO line but have less experience with it than you...


Active Member
Thanks for the fast reply. So i should flush between each water? Does it look like nute burn or im missing something?is once a day
Alrite for now?


Active Member
are you watering with phed water to leach some of those nutes in between feedings?
I m watering once a day and i have watered with phed water once in those 2 weeks...thays 2 days ago. How often should i be watering them that small. That roclwool will be wet for a week at least


Active Member
Damn dude alright these girls will tell you when they need water, overwatering young plants is the first mistake I made man. Let them dry out a bit and she will perk up a bit in a couple days. Then water with phed water.

Maybe come back with an update in a couple days?