if pot does become legal throughout the country then it would be cool but it would put tobacco industries out of buisness bc u cant tax weed and it can be grown anywhere at anytime and there is no additives that make it addicting and if u add chemicals than it would just ruin the flavor and possibly diminish the thc.
in my opinion and as well as others in my family,we all think that tobacco should be criminilized bc it causes cancer,and many other problems.
if its legalized than it would be super easy to mass cultivate it due to the easy cloning factors,u can grow nothing but females,and produce female seeds. its just easier than growin tobacco,tobacco u got to plant the seeds on top of the soil and mist it carefully and even than it wont nessesarily grow,it takes too much time and care to grow tobacco and it cant be cloned easilly. the reason why it gets taxed is bc its an addictive product that takes alot of work to grow and also bc many ppl want that product.
also the companies are also afraid that ppl will smoke less tobacco and that will be the decline to their industries so they pump more chemicals into their product to keep ppl coming back and they are also afraid bc cannabis has scientificly proven to have medicinal effects and help lessen if not rid the pain of patients around the country,but the states are also increasin the price of ciggs to (its hard to belive) get ppl to want to quit due to the high prices,the states are lookin out for us but it seems hard to understand that they care eventhough they are the ones who want the cigg companies to stay alive and prosperous.
there is a bunch of lies out there that need to be unravled and i do srongly feel that obama will help make the change that everyone desperatly needs weather it be for social and economic change or the lessening on marijuana restraints.