Not to so new to rollitup

This is my very first post on this even though I have had this account for a while now.
I am a new grower with my first harvest due in a few weeks. I have made mistakes and have learned from them and now I have a clone and two seeds that just popped for my next grow. I am a bit confused on my first grow. I went the whole flowering phase with my dates mixed up with the dates I took clones (took clones after sex flowering phase.) my plant is actually been in flower for 7 weeks now if you count the day you switched the lights but it doesn't look anywhere near done it looks premature still. it does not have big buds just clusters of white hair and small skinny buds, I guess that would be because I've been feeding it solutions that were too weak for my plant but I will let it ride out and start fresh with a new batch. please tell me if you think this plant will go longer than 8 weeks please :confused: GoodDayMates


Well-Known Member
i see your point, it's not all that well filled in for 7 weeks
doesn't look bad otherwise, some plants can take plenty of time
it's doing ok, you'll have to be patient, and the next grow will be even better


Well-Known Member
In pic #4 your plant looks pretty sparse, have you been removing fan leaves?, also what lights are you using, that could be the reason too, by the looks of it I'd say you still have 2 to 3 weeks more to go, maybe more but I doubt you'll have a big harvest.
Yeah Mighty, I was thinking that too.

So guys a little update, I actually was doing something :bigjoint:and something just came to me, what if the problem was root bound so I re-potted the plant in a bigger hempy bucket ( 5 gal square). When I picked her up she had so many roots at the bottom, no perlite at the very bottom of the root ball so I am gonna see what happens now. I still don't have a magnifier yet (dammit it amazon) so I am really just coasting right now, but I'll get a mag next weekend.The two biggest buds have more orange hairs than white just at the top and a little ways down the cola are just getting orange hairs. I really hope she swells up soon and I hope you don't yell at me but like I said I was desperate and non informed but I did take the fan leaves off the plant don't ask me why but I promise I wont do that dumb ass shit again (excuse me) I thought it was the leaves messing the plant up, but I was wrong. She still has small fan leaves at the top. but anyway I have a clone that I will journal about real soon so stay tuned. bongsmilie#GOODDAYMATES


Well-Known Member
transplanting during flower is a brave but risky operation, hope it pays off for you
if the roots were white and healthy, and it sounds like they were, then you didn't have root rot, which is good
and the defoliation was a major detail, not going to criticize since it's done by a good number of growers
but that could be what slowed it down, makes sense
less leaf, less energy available to grow the plant


Active Member
Let me ask u a question is it 7 weeks of flowering or 7 weeks of 12/12. Just because you switched your lights over doesn't mean your plant immediately starts flowering.It takes your plant a week or two just to realize that it needs to start flowering, after you switch the lights. Your real first week of flowering begins at the first view of the flowers (Buds). Go back and count from the first time you saw a bud site and I bet you will realize your really only in like 3 or 4. Just slow down with all the transplanting ideas and just give it time. It is going over that 8 week time frame u have so u might as well throw that out the window. Your on her time!! Keep with the feedings and waterings with well balanced water and wait. The on thing i have learned over the years doing this, is that u can't rush them. Sure we do all kinds of things to help them along, but in the end you still have to wait for her to tell you when she's ready.

OH and get a scope if you can, it will help you look at the tri's. Then you will be able to see for yourself when their done. Good Luck and Happy Smoking. :bigjoint:
I picked the leaves off after the plant stopped growing not before. A month later after I noticed that the plant was no longer growing.
OMG that is what I thought I switched the light on the 28th of June(12/12) and my baby showed her lady parts on July 13th so shes been in 12/12 for 8 weeks as of yesterday and been flowering for 6 weeks as of today. I was so confused and still am,I stop giving her nutes cause I don't wanna find out shes done and I don't have time to flush her. but yeah I kept asking that Midnight but it makes more sense that way thank you.