Not too sure what this is? Opinions?


Well-Known Member
okay so..... hows does this sound as a plan:
1. Flush tomorrow morning
2. wait a 2 days
3. begin fertilizing once every 2 days with tap waterings in-between


Well-Known Member
Possibly burnt his roots with something besides food, long time ago i had a spidemite problem and drenched the soil with the same shit I was trying to kill them with and the plant ended up looking like that. Can't remember what it was.

Have you put anything in the soil besides food? If all else fails FLUSH FLUSH FLUSH


Well-Known Member
okay so..... hows does this sound as a plan:
1. Flush tomorrow morning
2. wait a 2 days
3. begin fertilizing once every 2 days with tap waterings in-between
fertilizing once every 2 days sounds a bit excessive. I'd get some ro water from the machine at the grocery store its like 35cents a gallon here. A lot of tap waters have high amounts of lime and other salts. It depends where live though. I think they look pretty decent for the most part I wouldn't feed for at least a week


Well-Known Member
Ya water can be bad, had to get RO cause my tap water was between 350-375 ppm. Took it down to 6ppm, then you know EXACTLY whats in the water your giving them and yes feeding them every 2 days is way to much, try every other watering and you prolly shouldn't have to water every 2 days. Whats your RH


Well-Known Member
Could I just buy some bottled water and use that? I really dont think its my tap water I Live on the west coast of BC and apparently we have some of the best water in the world, so Iv been told.

Because Im growing in coco I have to water at least once every 3 days or else they dry out WAY to much. After my flush Would it be okay to continue with my watering schedule (once every 2 days) for a week without using any ferts? or should I not water at all for that week?