Note to self thread


Sector 5 Moderator
Note To Self:


I was in the grow room earlier to check on the fresh harvested bud and my cure cabinet humidity levels. I have a small 8" Tornado oscillating fan on my bench that blows over the canopy during normal operations.

I normally set the fan on a 5 gal. bucket setting on the floor, access my cabinets ( upper or lower ) and put it back when I am done, well......................

I did just that, ( please refer to bold red type) wearing a hoodie with draw strings that hang to about chest pocket level. I took one step ( I am in a closet after all) picked up the fan with 1 hand and reached for the cord to guide it off the bench to place the fan on the bucket, well................

The moment my goofy ass reached for the cord, I guess I brought the rear of the fan just a bit to close to my chest and it pulled the right side of the hoodie draw string into the back of the fan ( running on med. speed ) and that is where shit got squirrely,

Between trying to figure out what the fuck was making that God awful sound and who the hell was trying to push my damn head into the back of the fan, it dawned on me just exactly what the hell was going on, what do I do in this time of enlightenment, I drop the bloody fan...............Now we can add the smell and smoke from the beginning of an electrical device giving up the ghost to this lovely fiasco I am wallowing in..

With the fan now screaming and spinning uncontrollably on my chest while simultaneously trying to devour my face, it occurred to me that this was my opportunity to abandon my overwhelmingly one sided skirmish with the fan itself, and attack the mechanical beast's power supply. I reached as fast as I could with my left hand and ripped the beast's life line from its link to Satan, rendering it but a mere kitten within my nervous but sweaty masculine like clutches.

Yea, one of them things that just makes you wonder.......................WTF.COM

The moral of the story is,.......well...........stay away from rotating equipment whilst wearing a damn hoodie with draw strings.....duh :bigjoint:

Peace and Great Grows

That could very easily be developed into a comedy routine!


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Staff member
When I was in school, there was a pic of kid who was scalped by not having his hair tied back while working the drill press. Can still see it.
I've been to multiple dozens of Naval Engineering "short" schools on as many subjects - during a Machining "C" school part of a film was factory video's where we got to see (mostly) Japanese workers snatched into rotating machinery.
It was a lasting impression to say the least. :shock:

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Did he beat you like a bad sled dog ?
Seen it too many times.
I wouldn't say that. He came out claiming there is no difference between growth patterns between plants grown under MH vs. HPS. When asked for proof of his assertions he failed to give any and basically started bashing any who disagreed with him.

my last post ​
  • the concept you can't seem to wrap your head around is so fucking what? You pointed out one picture of one plant that is nice..yes

    I could point out THOUSANDS of pictures of lanky fucking plants pulled off the internet of other peoples hps only grows. And thousands more of nice tight mh grown plants.

    Agreed there would obviously be an unlimited amount of contributing factors to those pics. But still.

    WHy is it YOU are the only one I have ever heard this from after over a decade doing this?

    and you still have yet to produce any credible evidence supporting your claim....Also given that almost every book I have ever read on growing says your claims (on this subject) are FALSE!

    You have the balls to claim a "placebo effect" between the growth patterns of mh or hps grown plants?

    hell I did a google search on the subject and guess what?

    I couldn't find a single other page backing your claim up.

    and that graph you could have printed on your computer or those pages I couldn't make out don't really count.

    Have a university study? ANYTHING other than your "experiments" that you supposedly did thirty years ago?

    I mean if you are going to rebuff common growing techniques/pracitces without any supporting evidence than you are no better than that other revolutionary grower from texas finshaggy.​



Well-Known Member
NTS- When you know its gonna be 15f degrees in the AM,Turn the damn Heat pump OFF!!!
Its,useless.Woke up to 50F in the house!@ 4AM!


Well-Known Member
uncle ben is still alive??? Thought he would have keeled over from a heart attack by now fighting with someone on the internet. Call me stupid, but I will never listed to anything that idiot says, even if he knows what he's talking about (which I highly doubt).


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
If you need 10 clones, take half again that.
They don't all respond like I'd like them to. :wall:
Yeah let me take this moment to commiserate with you. Both big lights are turned off, the trays, sitting dry, empty and unhappy while tumbleweeds blow through these here parts.....

All the while a little voice mocks me, "You weren't going to be flowering under 105˚f AGAIN, stooooooooopid". I keep looking at my clones dragging their heels and I'm considering getting a 600 MH Conversion bulb and getting them moving. I just moved from CannaStart to Foliage Pro. Hopefully this will shake a few things loose!


Well-Known Member
Yeah let me take this moment to commiserate with you. Both big lights are turned off, the trays, sitting dry, empty and unhappy while tumbleweeds blow through these here parts.....

All the while a little voice mocks me, "You weren't going to be flowering under 105˚f AGAIN, stooooooooopid". I keep looking at my clones dragging their heels and I'm considering getting a 600 MH Conversion bulb and getting them moving. I just moved from CannaStart to Foliage Pro. Hopefully this will shake a few things loose!
Well no Tachycardia,to be concerned with.... A good Afgan works great for me for pain...DAbs work the best for me with the management of pain!


Well-Known Member

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Yeah let me take this moment to commiserate with you. Both big lights are turned off, the trays, sitting dry, empty and unhappy while tumbleweeds blow through these here parts.....

All the while a little voice mocks me, "You weren't going to be flowering under 105˚f AGAIN, stooooooooopid". I keep looking at my clones dragging their heels and I'm considering getting a 600 MH Conversion bulb and getting them moving. I just moved from CannaStart to Foliage Pro. Hopefully this will shake a few things loose!
On a positive note....good time for a serious cleaning to ensure the thrips don't come back eh?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
nts: Holding a conversation with uncle ben is about as productive as.....

well it's just a huge waste of time
Watching somebody try have a conversation with him is priceless, though. The most creative curses end up doing the rounds. I almost die laughing every time. Would LOVE to see a plant he grew though. Just LOVE it.


Well-Known Member

Note te to self fix phone and I pad so I can send pics to them. I'm putting pic here so I can get to other device


Global Moderator
Staff member
Watching somebody try have a conversation with him is priceless, though. The most creative curses end up doing the rounds. I almost die laughing every time. Would LOVE to see a plant he grew though. Just LOVE it.
And despite apparently severe psychotic glitches, he does know his shit.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
And despite apparently severe psychotic glitches, he does know his shit.
True, even though I won't use the chemical ferts he does, I haven't seen him dish out bad advice once. Not to my preference a lot of the time, but he does help out a lot of fellas and you can see the genuine grateful attitudes they come back with weeks later. Credit where credit is due.

I subscribed to his thread and others he is on for the entertainment though. It's like going to see a stand-up comedian, whatever you do just don't make yourself the target LOL...