Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
Buds Of The Week: Shoreline

Our next Buds Of The Week is a strain that has been around for awhile and isn't very well known but should be. Shoreline, by Devil's Harvest Haze originally comes from Texas. This strain was found in a Amsterdam seedbank by a few guys from Texas. It's said that they purchased a Sensi Skunk from the Sensi Seeds Seedbank.

After bringing it back to Texas they grew the seeds out and found one phenotype that was really stinky like a old school roadkill skunk strain. They kept the phenotype for many years and circulated it among friends.

Years later they met with other groups of friends around the shoreline amphitheater and passed clones around, which later made their way to California, where it really got a good reputation and from then on the name Shoreline stuck.

After more years passed that's when the creators of today's shoreline got a hold of a clone. I say today's shoreline because when they got the clone they were informed it wasn't the original shoreline clone. The original owners said it was lost due to certain circumstances. What those circumstances were, only the original owners know.

However before the original clone was lost, they crossed it back with Oasis from Dutch Passion, took a male, then crossed it back with shoreline which they say recreated what they knew as the original Shoreline. The genetics was then passed out to as many people as possible to preserve the genetics of the Shoreline strain.


You can now purchase S1 feminized seeds of this strain. They do plan on releasing crosses of this strain in the future.

The grower of the beautiful Shoreline plant in the picture grew using recycled organic living soil. She was vegged for 4 weeks under a 400w and flowered 8 weeks under one 1,000watt MH & one 1,000watt HPS. Fed with all organics besides Bonticare Sweet and supplemented with fish emulsion, Molassas, Mycos. Only rain water was used throughout the whole grow.

There was a total of 8 plants with a yield over a pound of high quality stinky cannabis. This strain is a very stinky plant to grow with strong smells starting in the 4th week and on.

The finished product was very smooth with a piney/berry skunk taste. A very uppity type high, so it makes a better daytime smoke.

I would like to thank my friend SomeBeech for this beautiful submission.
Was wondering if you were the same SOMEBEECH I wAs reading about...searching for "roadkill skunk"...I'm really interested about this strain


Well-Known Member
It's comprehending. I came to that conclusion when I couldn't find it in the actual online dictionary. In the excerpt. He said "I'm not comprehensioning that" also the spell check doesn't recognize it. That's someone's personal use of the word, not actual dictionary data. So you are correct, it is not proper English.


Well-Known Member
I even switched from Google to Mozilla and still see IMG....
I was just looking at those pics (drooling) and then BAMM got on RIU and there they were again...really interested in that "shoreline" strain...sent him a PM asking for a lil more info...hope he doesn't think I'm too just love skunk and hope I can find a badass pheno of skunk !!!
Yep,thats me.Cant go wrong with the Shoreline.The purple pheno I had was great.I lost it last winter,Glad i gave a cut to friend here,but its not that pheno.No difference in the high tho,just does not turn the purple @ week 6.
A very up high,you can not smoke it and lay down,or I could not.


Well-Known Member
Told ya,Im up at nights and sleep in the daytime........I need my 6-7 hrs I cant do as you,and stay awake like that..
What you talkin about Willis? I get that nearly every day! it's just usually from 4 am to 11 am with an occasional two day stretch in between...;) :D


Well-Known Member
I even switched from Google to Mozilla and still see IMG....

Yep,thats me.Cant go wrong with the Shoreline.The purple pheno I had was great.I lost it last winter,Glad i gave a cut to friend here,but its not that pheno.No difference in the high tho,just does not turn the purple @ week 6.
A very up high,you can not smoke it and lay down,or I could not.
Are you running AdBlock Plus in Chrome? try disabling it then close and restart Chrome to see if it corrects it..

If that doesn't work or you don't have AdBlock, hit this page up for the info and file or just click the download link below it. It could be an ActiveX issue.


Well-Known Member
Are you running AdBlock Plus in Chrome? try disabling it then close and restart Chrome to see if it corrects it..

If that doesn't work or you don't have AdBlock, hit this page up for the info and file or just click the download link below it. It could be an ActiveX issue.
I added Adblocker and it stopped the videos,But I still have words underlined,that go to a lot of stuff?


Well-Known Member
I added Adblocker and it stopped the videos,But I still have words underlined,that go to a lot of stuff?
You have to disable the Adblocker from this.


Copy/paste it in the address bar. It will take you directly to the extensions ;) can you see the pictures now or still the IMG?