Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
See there you go! That's precisely what this situation needed, kindness AND empathy.

I think I give everyone dysphoria because I don't react like a women. I'm like what the fuck you whining about take control. My hubby will give you a hug though LOL! I am such a piss poor woman.... sorry. I really hope it all works out for you beech it isn't fun and I don't envy you.
Aww you're fine! I'm more of a tomboy myself;)
Beech man, we are all here for you bro;)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
15 in one sitting, jesus. That's intense brother. It's going to be one helluva shitty time for you mate, all the best, hope you get to keep some good humour through all of that. Fistfight in the dentist's office, why not. Bet you win.


Well-Known Member
Beech has more bawls than I, even with infections, exposed nerves, and no longer being able to bite things I can't even bring myself to make an appointment. I'm just too terrified of dentists.


Well-Known Member
Get those already...I just dont do pain well at all,yea a little pressure my ass.
They must of give me 15 shots to pull 6 teeth,and it hurt soo bad.
Then for over a week my fnn jaw felt like they broke it,then the dry socket of myyyyyyyyyyyy.
you poor thing! I'm like that too! a huge baby when it comes to pain....don't forget...DON'T SMOKE or USE A STRAW no matter what!!!
the pain will be even more horrible, trust me! good luck today buddy, you're in my thoughts and prayers.;)


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
The World isn't fair. I think everyone should be entitled to free health service.
I'd have to say I think people should get certain health care free. I'm pretty upset at the way things are looking right now that the idiot fucking MD's let the business peeps take over. I warned 'em back in the 80's that's where we were headed. I was laughed at LOL and told I knew nothing about business. LOL! yeah

Our problem was we gave away to much... There has to be some balance because who pays for the technology? Someone has to.. Free is GREAT but who buys the technology and stuff? I'm on board with you as most of my friends are but who pays and how do we make a living?


Well-Known Member
Beech hun, they can't force you to remove that many teeth at once. If you feel like you need to slow down and take out half of those today just tell them that. The anxiety leading up to it is just as freaking bad as when it's happening. You are in my thoughts today because that is a difficult thing to face for anyone. Dental pain ain't no joke.

Wishing you the absolute very best!! Hugs!

Note to self: Finish some half completed projects today!