Note to self thread


Well-Known Member
not to self dont buy a whole bot of vods you will only drink it all in said night never save half like planned lololol


Well-Known Member
Hon, we are like this because we're programmed that way from conception.
It ain't really dirty, it's what's in most men's minds when we're not thinking of fishing and hunting.

A soulmate that likes the outdoors ~And~ likes to play is a huge plus.
I hear ya! I know how guys are, grew up with three brothers in my dad's gas station. So you can imagine, a young impressionable girl
around all that LMAO but its the two girls thing...LMAO all guys like that...why???? I honestly as a girl, do not enjoy seeing men together.
This is something I've always wondered:??:

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I hear ya! I know how guys are, grew up with three brothers in my dad's gas station. So you can imagine, a young impressionable girl
around all that LMAO but its the two girls thing...LMAO all guys like that...why???? I honestly as a girl, do not enjoy seeing men together.
This is something I've always wondered:??:
It's because women are sexy. Two women are twice as sexy.

Men are hairy. two men are, well....too hairy:)


Well-Known Member
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa ok now I feel dumb as fuck...told ya'll! I'm a lil slow sometimes...that's why folks like pickin on me I think LMAO


Sector 5 Moderator
Good luck on the hunt bro and be safe out there!! ...and I would not turn down an invite for a moose burger. :)


Global Moderator
Staff member
Good luck on the hunt bro and be safe out there!! ...and I would not turn down an invite for a moose burger. :)
If I'm not able to hook up w/ you in Anchoragwa, perhaps I can send you a bit ?
Sked is pretty tight this year due to unforeseen circumstances.
We can work out details should I find Bullwinkle.


Well-Known Member
Beech you always make me laugh... seriously you have a great sense of humor and your posts always crack me up.

Note to all: There are really some great folks here, I consider myself so lucky to have made the friends I have here. Thanks for showing me there really are still decent folks in the world.

peace party peoples!


Sector 5 Moderator
If I'm not able to hook up w/ you in Anchoragwa, perhaps I can send you a bit ?
Sked is pretty tight this year due to unforeseen circumstances.
We can work out details should I find Bullwinkle.
Sounds like a plan man. And remember, that which does not kill us makes us stronger. ...except bears; bears will fucking kill you. :)


Well-Known Member
Not if I get proper notice. :wink:

It pays dividends to not fuck around when hanging in Brownie/Grizzly country.

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View attachment 2803841
HOLY SHIT! What did you use to kill it? Like 3 shots from a .300 mag!? I read an article about some guy who shot an attacking Grizzly 13 times with an AK-47 before it went down.

My brother got his first black bear last December near Divide,Colorado. Haha my mom now has a picture of her 30 year old son with a 300 pound black bear over his shoulder smiling like a kid on Christmas! Priceless moments right there.

I smoked a bit too much and now I'm reminiscing and missing my home and family! I moved 1200 miles from everyone I knew lol. Probably should have brought one of my bum friends haha. Oh well:blsmoke: