Native Humboldt
Well-Known Member
I put the seeds that I'm germing on top of my T5s. They get plenty of warmth and I don't have to purchase a heating mat. Although I do in winter use a heating pad with some styrofoam placed on top so the don't get to warm.
@Native Humboldt try Los Angeles County if you really wanna bitch about power. Before my lights my base rate is $500.00, nothing really special either. We are looking at moving north and checked power rates, you guys run about 25% of us. My husband has spoken of NOTHING else but my lights after that..... sigh......
In honor of him I hung a new Plasma Light, watch that meter spin LOL
How can it be so much? That power down there is crazy do you have a pool and ac? They would have to pay me 10X that just to live there! lol I was there during the 92 riots in the military and saw the side of LA that most don't. Since then we fly into Disney and fly out every few years. You should move to Humboldt the weather stay mild all year and most of the people are great. A traffic jam is when you get stuck behind a tractor or row of dairy cows. lol