Note to self thread

Then I'll call tomorrow I have to leave this is getting too much for my I need some drinks.
hey im when get

I only have half a clue wtf you are even talking about. It was so nice talking to you all day yesterday, today it seems like you aren't yourself.
My Adventure of Greener Living ~ I'm living in America, and in America you're on your own. America's not a country. It's just a business. Now fuckin' pay me.
Note to self.
If you wake up at 2 am, although you wake up at 2 am, although fun, spending til 4n, spending til 4 in the t&t will probably leave you depleted the growan TY.trovi... do not hit anythingm that has a vid.

Growan tell me what that says......I will fix..Pm me.TY. :clap:
They couldn't read the no smoking caution on the can! I would have Carpul tunnel blasting all those cans holly shit!

I gotta wonder if that was some sort of storage facility where they had cases of cans just sitting in a garage or something.

Are You able to remove every trace of Alcohol?I did the Absolute Shatter and even after vacuum I could taste the alc...

Well hydro I've never been able to have a test done, but my dabs always taste very much like the material they came from. I've literally been told they were the best tasting dabs several people that consider themselves connoisseurs have had. I don't know for sure on the alcohol content, but based on my understanding of the science, there should be next to zero alcohol left after I'm done. I don't heat my dabs or vac them either, to preserve those delicious terps in the oil.

What method/solvent did you use to make the absolute?
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This is defiantly a note to self! Do not smoke while making BHO ever! This photo was taken just south of my house here in Humboldt. It happened Friday night late. There is a full write-up in the lost coast outpost blog pretty intense but it happens around here almost weekly. At a minimum there are 10,000 cans of butane in this photo. Please recycle!

As Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching..... thank you god for @cannabineer
I gotta wonder if that was some sort of storage facility where they had cases of cans just sitting in a garage or something.

Well hydro I've never been able to have a test done, but my dabs always taste very much like the material they came from. I've literally been told they were the best tasting dabs several people that consider themselves connoisseurs have had. I don't know for sure on the alcohol content, but based on my understanding of the science, there should be next to zero alcohol left after I'm done. I don't heat my dabs or vac them either, to preserve those delicious terps in the oil.

What method/solvent did you use to make the absolute?
check out the lost coast outpost blog full story if u look back to Saturday posts shit like that happens weekly around here!