Nothin but Zeppelin


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:Let there be drums.
Let there be a master to play those drums for us.
Let us watch him go.:D



Well-Known Member
You can't beat good ol' British Rock eh? So many outstanding British rock artists it's surreal. What happened to British Music? :( It's now full of downy shit cunt pop stars who make mega millions from lip syncing on stage, fucking rat bastards!


Well-Known Member
Glad to see your still around, too!



When I was young Led played in the Seattle Kingdome, tickets were open seating and $12. Led was hot hot hot in those days, but many complained about the sound quality at the dome. Echos and shit like that.

Led was the shit in those days. Every time a new band would come out you would hear one of us say "Man Van Halen is excellent but no Led Zeppelin". We said this with every new band until about the time the drummer died. That was the end of Led.

I remember a story where Jim and Robert flew from London to USA in first class behind the bald guy that played Kojak on TV. They poked fun at him and called him baldy the entire flight. In my immature youth and a full head of hair this was the funniest shit since lighting a fart.

One of the best bands out there in the day. There were some great challengers like Van Halen, The Who, and a bunch of names of bands that can go on forever. That was the Sativa era and some of the funnest times in my life.
holy shit man i fucking ENVY the time you were alive! growing up with rhiana and justin biber on the radio breaks my heart!! Rock on, Brother!!