Nothing like 2 free clones!! LET THEM GROW!!


Active Member
I'm thinking about going out and looking for like 5 ladybugs tomorrow, 1 ladybug eats 40 spider mites a day if there in their environment and they eat their eggs too. I just have no clue were to look for them, i can buy them but i dont know were for that either and there like 15$ for 250 of them hahaha and i only need like 10 at most. but ive been misting it a lot cuz they wont lay eggs in a moist and humid enviroment and every 4th day im spraying them with pestisides. hopefully this will keep them under controll.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about going out and looking for like 5 ladybugs tomorrow, 1 ladybug eats 40 spider mites a day if there in their environment and they eat their eggs too. I just have no clue were to look for them, i can buy them but i dont know were for that either and there like 15$ for 250 of them hahaha and i only need like 10 at most. but ive been misting it a lot cuz they wont lay eggs in a moist and humid enviroment and every 4th day im spraying them with pestisides. hopefully this will keep them under controll.
Lady bugs are difficult to keep alive and they tend to take a while to colonize. They can eat a lot of spider mites but if you can't keep your room humidity to an extreme high they will eventually die off. They like to fly into fans too lol Found that out the hard way...


Active Member
ok so I have noticed that the leafs are green but not feeling like a leaf should its not soft and leafy its more harder or semi crispy feeling even tho it's green what does that mean? I'm assuming its too hot. also the veins are getting purple in them wut does that mean? and what should i do? I havnt added any nutes or ferts to it.

Edit: Just thought of this... If i spray them with my insecticide is it ok to water them the same day? can it cause problems to the roots if it gets to them? also at the same time I've read to spray the top soil with your insecticide when u spray ur plants. The leafs are also kinda curling like a canoe upside down so wen ur looking at the leafs the edges are curling down but there not yellow leafs there still green.


Well-Known Member
Good quality picture? I am guessing it's fine. It just sounds like a little heat stress and usually they lose a leaf or 2 from the heat then they recover. Be careful though long periods of exposure to heat will inevitably kill your plant.


Active Member
the blue berry still looks fine but the other one has just seemd to go downhill ever since i got it.... kinda sux i got them with spider mites..... but i guess its ok i didnt pay for them they were for free to get better at growing. It's just annoying to watch one die for no apperent reason.


Active Member
Ok picture update!!!
so after some time i decided to move them back outside considering that they were originally growing outdoors i also transplanted them into larger pots, and used time releasing plant food pellets in the soil at the base of the root balls and OMG did it ever make a difference! :D theres 3 plants in these photos the really nice big super green looking one unfortunately isnt mine and it has just started to show its white hairs so id thought i would throw that in there for eye candy. the crazy thing is i have one clone of the same strain and now that it is looking better, but looks nothing in comparisent to the other one, but my blueberry is looking very bushy now and im expecting to see some hairs fairly soon!!! ill keep you all posted much more frequently now.

Ps. i finnaly have a new phone!!! HTC legend has a much better camera on it so enjoy the pics!



Active Member
lol you can see where the plant was looking bad wen it was inside and all the nicer looking new growth on top of it since its been outside :D love it


Active Member
Yea the CFL's are massive haha i have 2 sockets set up in my grow box that fit properly and i have 2 more socket set ups on the sides that i need to fix so that as the plants grow they dont grow into the lights on the sides, I was thinking of putting a mesh screen over them so light goes threw pot cant grow threw it, but for now im kinda leaving my grow box as is cuz im currently growing outside.