nothings happening


Well-Known Member
For the last 3 days theres been no change in the plant at tall, no leaf lifting,curling growing ect.. no new plant growth, nothing nadda whats going on.?


Active Member
some pictures of your plants might help for some input maybe its pot bound?? check your roots or your not watering enuff to stunt the growth could be alot of things but picks will help


Well-Known Member
yeah sorry about that i was in abit of a rush and the pics dint uploaded right, and abit more info:

5 30w 6400ks,
vegged 5weeks in the sun, only grew about 5 inchs tall,
vegging for 2weeks under the lights, its now 8inchs,

- i cant get the photos to upload


Well-Known Member
We'll need a lot more info.

What part of the world do you live in?
Did any pests/disease affect the plant while it was outside?
How far is each light from the plant?
And why are you using 5 30w's for an 8" plant?

It could be stunted because it's getting too much light.
There is a point where plants cannot process any more light..

Check it's roots, make sure the medium is evenly moist, not flooded and not dry, ever.

I'm ASSUMING your growing in soil.

Is it just drinking pure water? Any fertilizers/additives?
Any accidents that you want to share?


Well-Known Member
I live in Ireland, I know not the sunniest place but i thought id have lights by the time it had germinated,
No pest or disease,
no more than 2 inces away, its not too hot checked wit back of hand,
i didnt think that you could have too much light since you want t re-create the sun.?
yes soil, pure water, no fert/additives,
no accidents.

heres a link for pics:

also have 2 witch i left outside 1s topped 1s not and they are doing fine as expected.


Active Member
in your pics aswell i saw some yellow looking leaf tips at the top of your plant that could mean a bit of N diffidence ( sorry cant spell to save my life) try checking the ph lvl of your water/soil not enuff of some thigns could also stunt growth..just my thoughts who


Well-Known Member
also every time theres new top growth the lowest leaf set turn yellow and fall of, normal or not.?

how much is 2 much water, when pepole say "run off" whats the definition.?


Well-Known Member
Run off means letting some water pour out to flush some nutrients and avoid salt buildup and later nutrient lockout.
About 10-20% of the water you pour in should come out the bottom.

Plants of any species naturally shed leaves that don't get sunlight.
If you look at a tree outside your window, every spot where a branch comes out used to have a leaf sticking out.
The tree has shed those leaves years ago, and left a branch behind, while focusing leaf growth at the canopy.


Well-Known Member
alright man, watered the other day within the hour it was looking healthy and growth has resumed, cheers for the help