On January 22, 2009, I germinated 40 Northern Lights. Roughly, 30% sprouted within a 3-4 of days, another 30% in 4-7 days, and the last, in about a week plus.
They rooted and seemed to be growing well. The 3 groups I shall call A, B, and C based upon germination speed, respectively, were very differnt. A shot up, B, not so much, and C, well, they were runts.
I should provide some background. Last year, using seeds given to me by a buddy, I rocked. I grew 30 in my closet (soil) in 14 oz cups, using 4x2 fluorescents x4. for a total of 24,000 lumens over about 8 square feet, to about 1.5 feet before I vegedem, floweredem and then at 2+ feet, clonedem. No problemo. 135 in the ground! So I think I know what Im doing. Ive read a TON of literature.
Now for developing problems.
Being unemployed, and wishing to save some money on the electrical, I would get up, and place the plants in the southern window exposure from about 9-4. They would get direct sunlight for several hours, and indirect for the rest. I used a lightmeter to test the levels. I was getting a million candlepower in the direct light, and about 250,000 in the indirect light. Much like my artificial lighting. Lighting under the artificial with all 4 going (T8 Philips Natural Sunshine 3200 lumens per) gives nearly a Million candlepower according to my lightmeter.
I was running a 20-4 rotation.
It was very cold, and with unintended consequences, I think I froze some of the leaves on the plants as they were quite close to the window. The small plants seemed to be exhibiting the worst symptoms. Shrivelled, dried out, like theyd been too close to the lights. Okay, no panic, had the heat in the room uped and it seemed to be fine.
Some yellowing was occuring. Some plants showed no yellowing and were fine.
This is the main problem, that there was nothing defintive over the whole crop. Some are, some arent.
I started fertilizing a couple of weeks after potting the seeds after germination, when they had about 2 to 3 nodes. I used Miracle Grow All Purpose 24-8-16 for the roots and with a 15% solution for the first week or two. I gradually uped this mix, feeding only once a week, to about 50% of what the box calls for.
The 3 groups were still noticeable different after a few weeks There was a some burning on the tips and edges, and yellowing of leaves. I thought I had a nute problem so I laid off for a couple of weeks/cycles, just watering. A group was up about 7-11 inches, B group 5-7 and C group were just abysmal. Runts. 2-3 nodes, small, less than 3 nodes and under 5 inches.
Watering was done when needed. (Last year, I couldnt water my plants enough. They loved it. And I poured the nutes to them, full strength. There were no problems, no issues, no nothing. Clockwork.) Same as last year, I would wait until I saw some drooping or the dirt on the top was dry. There was never any standing, wetness.
Leaves on the bottom continued to yellow, going white on the edges, drooping, then spreading in, until they were dead. Some dark, browned spots appeared.
I really laid off on the water, watering every 3-4 days or about twice a week, figuring I had a soaked them, overwatering. (I think I am/was just grasping at straws. I never had this problem last year, as it was a textbook grow.)
Yellowing continued.
Now for the shocker: Suddenly, my A group, on about the 7-8th of March, are sprouting buds and balls! WHAT!?!? They were getting 20-4!? I freaked and immediately threw all plants into 12-12 to flower them. I am 10 days into this cycle after catching the intial sexing. Not much is showing. This seems to be normal as last year, nothing happened for about 12 days then suddenly, bloom!
The yellowing was continuing and I was growing concerned on the weekend of the 7/8. I had been chopping the badly discoloured leaves and dead ones. More were turning on the bottom nodes.
But again, not all the plants, across the 3 groups were exhibiting this problem. Some plants at the top nodes, were sprouting skinny leaves that looked like classic nute deficiency.
Reading an awful lot, I came to the conclusion that maybe I had a Mg problem. (Ive seen this before outdoors, where leaves were going yellow and socked them with a good round of epsom salts and within one week they were back.) I had not fertilized in about two weeks as I was afraid I was over doing it, but I never went passed the general mixture recommended by Miracle Grow. Some of the plants had a little burn on the tips/edges. It is my opinion that most dope problems are lack of nutrients not too much. Ive found it fairly hard to burn a plant, regularly, out of doors, tripling the recommended dose of slow-release nutes without a problem.
I grabbed the kahonnas and I mixed up a full strength (Once a week mix) of Tomatoe Miracle Grow 18-18-21 (The only one with micronutes of MG) and gave the plants a good soaking.
Yellowing has not progressed and new growth is sprouting, (since I pulled all yellow leaves off) at the bottom nodes where I removed the dead leaves is nicely developed green. Im thinking I was right. And that the yellowed leaves are done and thats that, as ergo, if I was over doing something, the new growth on the lower stems, would be exhibiting similar problems. Stems are also reddish-purple, (on some plants) which is a nute (N) deficiency. Some plants, exhibiting no real yellowing are flourishing, as are all now, on the top nodes. Its only on the bottom leaves.
Bought epsom salts and gave good shot to plants ground and foliar.
I pulled a plant out of a cup to check the roots, and they were fine. Lots of roots, no root, it looked fine. If anything, I maybe underwatering them.
I am about to test for PH, but I doubt this, as my water was just fine last year. And again, I am not seeing symptoms across the board and I doubt this is the issue.
I have also let my water sit to get rid of chlorine.
Was some of this the cold, maybe a bit of over watering (Plants are in 14 oz cups and I watered with 4 ozs. Cups had drainage.) in the early stage and perhaps not enough nutes?
Heat from lights is not an issue.
Any insight would be helpful.
Im not sold on these purchased seeds at all now, my first venture into this with several hundred dollars worth of seeds that have produced such a variety of results Im disappointed. Northern Lights should be a no-brainer. Last year, with just seeds from plants that were cross-poliinated, they were fantastic. Everything came up.
Much appreciation to all those who respond,
Freedom 45
March 23. Nope. More yellowing leaves. Bought and electronic tester, Rapitest. Moisture was actually low. PH was 6.9-7.0. Ferts was high-side of good. So what the heck is going on? Its bad enough that I hauled out last years seed I used, to save the year, and started to germinate them on Saturday. Im a little late, but if they go like last year, Ill be fine. I cant take a chance on these seeds I have started. They should be twice the size. Some plants are only 4 inches high after 2 months. I gave all of them a nice dose of Miracle Grow 24-8-16 with some water & epsom salts. Foliar feed with epsom salts/water as well as fert. solution.
March 24. Out of 43 seeds, ALL OF THEM HAVE GERMINATED!!!!! I dont have a PH problem or if I did, wouldnt it kill the germs? They took only 3 days, not nearly 2 weeks like the Northern Lights batch. They look strong and the radicle root is 3/4 on lots of them. Also, bought Aquarium PH tester kit. Says water is at least 7.5.
March 25 Today, went to science store and bought paper strip PH test kit. Says water is 6.5. Bottled water that I bought is 7.0. I think the tap water is fine. I have a few plants that look great, lots still look rough. Some have big fat leaves, others, skinny little bastards. Ive also got 3 that after nearly two and half weeks of 12/12, havent shown any signs of M/F, but they look great! Theyre the smaller ones, last to germinate, slowest to grow, that I didnt think would make it, nice large leaves, and green.
New growth at bottom nodes, still small, has some yellowing to it now.
I currently have 5 lights with 31000 lumens of light shedding 500,000 to 1M candle power according to my Brockway light meter on the fems. All were sexed by the 22, but after 2+ weeks of 24/0 lots are not returning to a veg state. Ive topped the bud heads off thinking this might help, but Im needing clones not weed.
Ive pulled off all the yellow leaves and am hoping something has worked. I dont know what else to do.
Here are pictures of plants over last few weeks to illustrate problem.
I think I got a bad batch of seeds.
They rooted and seemed to be growing well. The 3 groups I shall call A, B, and C based upon germination speed, respectively, were very differnt. A shot up, B, not so much, and C, well, they were runts.
I should provide some background. Last year, using seeds given to me by a buddy, I rocked. I grew 30 in my closet (soil) in 14 oz cups, using 4x2 fluorescents x4. for a total of 24,000 lumens over about 8 square feet, to about 1.5 feet before I vegedem, floweredem and then at 2+ feet, clonedem. No problemo. 135 in the ground! So I think I know what Im doing. Ive read a TON of literature.
Now for developing problems.
Being unemployed, and wishing to save some money on the electrical, I would get up, and place the plants in the southern window exposure from about 9-4. They would get direct sunlight for several hours, and indirect for the rest. I used a lightmeter to test the levels. I was getting a million candlepower in the direct light, and about 250,000 in the indirect light. Much like my artificial lighting. Lighting under the artificial with all 4 going (T8 Philips Natural Sunshine 3200 lumens per) gives nearly a Million candlepower according to my lightmeter.
I was running a 20-4 rotation.
It was very cold, and with unintended consequences, I think I froze some of the leaves on the plants as they were quite close to the window. The small plants seemed to be exhibiting the worst symptoms. Shrivelled, dried out, like theyd been too close to the lights. Okay, no panic, had the heat in the room uped and it seemed to be fine.
Some yellowing was occuring. Some plants showed no yellowing and were fine.
This is the main problem, that there was nothing defintive over the whole crop. Some are, some arent.
I started fertilizing a couple of weeks after potting the seeds after germination, when they had about 2 to 3 nodes. I used Miracle Grow All Purpose 24-8-16 for the roots and with a 15% solution for the first week or two. I gradually uped this mix, feeding only once a week, to about 50% of what the box calls for.
The 3 groups were still noticeable different after a few weeks There was a some burning on the tips and edges, and yellowing of leaves. I thought I had a nute problem so I laid off for a couple of weeks/cycles, just watering. A group was up about 7-11 inches, B group 5-7 and C group were just abysmal. Runts. 2-3 nodes, small, less than 3 nodes and under 5 inches.
Watering was done when needed. (Last year, I couldnt water my plants enough. They loved it. And I poured the nutes to them, full strength. There were no problems, no issues, no nothing. Clockwork.) Same as last year, I would wait until I saw some drooping or the dirt on the top was dry. There was never any standing, wetness.
Leaves on the bottom continued to yellow, going white on the edges, drooping, then spreading in, until they were dead. Some dark, browned spots appeared.
I really laid off on the water, watering every 3-4 days or about twice a week, figuring I had a soaked them, overwatering. (I think I am/was just grasping at straws. I never had this problem last year, as it was a textbook grow.)
Yellowing continued.
Now for the shocker: Suddenly, my A group, on about the 7-8th of March, are sprouting buds and balls! WHAT!?!? They were getting 20-4!? I freaked and immediately threw all plants into 12-12 to flower them. I am 10 days into this cycle after catching the intial sexing. Not much is showing. This seems to be normal as last year, nothing happened for about 12 days then suddenly, bloom!
The yellowing was continuing and I was growing concerned on the weekend of the 7/8. I had been chopping the badly discoloured leaves and dead ones. More were turning on the bottom nodes.
But again, not all the plants, across the 3 groups were exhibiting this problem. Some plants at the top nodes, were sprouting skinny leaves that looked like classic nute deficiency.
Reading an awful lot, I came to the conclusion that maybe I had a Mg problem. (Ive seen this before outdoors, where leaves were going yellow and socked them with a good round of epsom salts and within one week they were back.) I had not fertilized in about two weeks as I was afraid I was over doing it, but I never went passed the general mixture recommended by Miracle Grow. Some of the plants had a little burn on the tips/edges. It is my opinion that most dope problems are lack of nutrients not too much. Ive found it fairly hard to burn a plant, regularly, out of doors, tripling the recommended dose of slow-release nutes without a problem.
I grabbed the kahonnas and I mixed up a full strength (Once a week mix) of Tomatoe Miracle Grow 18-18-21 (The only one with micronutes of MG) and gave the plants a good soaking.
Yellowing has not progressed and new growth is sprouting, (since I pulled all yellow leaves off) at the bottom nodes where I removed the dead leaves is nicely developed green. Im thinking I was right. And that the yellowed leaves are done and thats that, as ergo, if I was over doing something, the new growth on the lower stems, would be exhibiting similar problems. Stems are also reddish-purple, (on some plants) which is a nute (N) deficiency. Some plants, exhibiting no real yellowing are flourishing, as are all now, on the top nodes. Its only on the bottom leaves.
Bought epsom salts and gave good shot to plants ground and foliar.
I pulled a plant out of a cup to check the roots, and they were fine. Lots of roots, no root, it looked fine. If anything, I maybe underwatering them.
I am about to test for PH, but I doubt this, as my water was just fine last year. And again, I am not seeing symptoms across the board and I doubt this is the issue.
I have also let my water sit to get rid of chlorine.
Was some of this the cold, maybe a bit of over watering (Plants are in 14 oz cups and I watered with 4 ozs. Cups had drainage.) in the early stage and perhaps not enough nutes?
Heat from lights is not an issue.
Any insight would be helpful.
Im not sold on these purchased seeds at all now, my first venture into this with several hundred dollars worth of seeds that have produced such a variety of results Im disappointed. Northern Lights should be a no-brainer. Last year, with just seeds from plants that were cross-poliinated, they were fantastic. Everything came up.
Much appreciation to all those who respond,
Freedom 45
March 23. Nope. More yellowing leaves. Bought and electronic tester, Rapitest. Moisture was actually low. PH was 6.9-7.0. Ferts was high-side of good. So what the heck is going on? Its bad enough that I hauled out last years seed I used, to save the year, and started to germinate them on Saturday. Im a little late, but if they go like last year, Ill be fine. I cant take a chance on these seeds I have started. They should be twice the size. Some plants are only 4 inches high after 2 months. I gave all of them a nice dose of Miracle Grow 24-8-16 with some water & epsom salts. Foliar feed with epsom salts/water as well as fert. solution.
March 24. Out of 43 seeds, ALL OF THEM HAVE GERMINATED!!!!! I dont have a PH problem or if I did, wouldnt it kill the germs? They took only 3 days, not nearly 2 weeks like the Northern Lights batch. They look strong and the radicle root is 3/4 on lots of them. Also, bought Aquarium PH tester kit. Says water is at least 7.5.
March 25 Today, went to science store and bought paper strip PH test kit. Says water is 6.5. Bottled water that I bought is 7.0. I think the tap water is fine. I have a few plants that look great, lots still look rough. Some have big fat leaves, others, skinny little bastards. Ive also got 3 that after nearly two and half weeks of 12/12, havent shown any signs of M/F, but they look great! Theyre the smaller ones, last to germinate, slowest to grow, that I didnt think would make it, nice large leaves, and green.
New growth at bottom nodes, still small, has some yellowing to it now.
I currently have 5 lights with 31000 lumens of light shedding 500,000 to 1M candle power according to my Brockway light meter on the fems. All were sexed by the 22, but after 2+ weeks of 24/0 lots are not returning to a veg state. Ive topped the bud heads off thinking this might help, but Im needing clones not weed.
Ive pulled off all the yellow leaves and am hoping something has worked. I dont know what else to do.
Here are pictures of plants over last few weeks to illustrate problem.
I think I got a bad batch of seeds.