Notice: Trolls Keep Bumping Threads With Stupid Propagandist Titles

LOL the butthurt warmonger ran into this thread to hide

Oh, yeah. the Gram Reaper Russian Troll.

have you stopped crying about those sanctions that the US placed on Russia for interfering in our election?

Economic indicators in Russia already show a slow down and inflation is biting its pensioners hard. Maybe Putin shouldn't be investing so much on expensive defense projects. Maybe he shouldn't have messed with Uncle Sam. Maybe you and his trolls are not such a "cheap way to attack the US" after all.
You guys have fun with your circle jerk. Good to know I hurt your feelings enough for this thread to be created.

Be glad you have friends like Hannimal.

I am glad you guys finally learned the tactic of retreating and regrouping, its only about 3000 years old.
I am refererring to last night when I made fogdog and your thrall cry. That is why this thread was made. Great job sticking up for your buddies, you're a good friend Hannimal.
My thrall?! lmao you are a tool sometimes, I am glad it is finally leaking out more freely for you now, it has to be a relief from playing it strait for so long.

The point of the thread is exactly what it is titled. Trolls are pushing up the results on these pages and keeping threads alive that have propaganda titles.
An idea

A @The Gram Reaper wants @Rob Roy ta run fur POTUS and I think it would be a grand idea that many folks here could support!

It would give Rob a chance to come out of his shell and monkey suit and @the Grim Reaper even volunteered to be his campaign manger too! It'll give him a chance to exercise his skills at manipulation, lies and deceit to a much larger audience than here!

Here's the thing, if we ran ole Rob in the republican primaries it would blow the GOP wide open. Why when Rob started spouting his crazy ideas and ideology to the masses, it will attract every asshole in America. Donald would have a run for his money from someone a lot like himself and the base would be enthralled if he wore his monkey suit. Make America Ape Again MAAA could be his slogan. No more of these pussy GOP challengers, run Rob Roy will be our slogan to republicans everywhere. I don't figure Rob is a traitor, but like The Grim Reaper he supports it.

I'm tell'en ya guys ole Rob could be a another Trump and whittle them assholes down even further
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You guys have fun with your circle jerk. Good to know I hurt your feelings enough for this thread to be created.

Be glad you have friends like Hannimal.

I am glad you guys finally learned the tactic of retreating and regrouping, its only about 3000 years old.

MAGA, when does it start?

How many years of retirement must I give up to achieve the long life of my grandfather?

Whats the best way tell your grandchildren they have to live faster because they will die 5 years sooner?

Your state of mind could be clouded.
You guys have fun with your circle jerk. Good to know I hurt your feelings enough for this thread to be created.

Be glad you have friends like Hannimal.

I am glad you guys finally learned the tactic of retreating and regrouping, its only about 3000 years old.
Me: "Hate crimes are on the rise due to the actions of the Trump presidency. White supremacists have murdered more than a hundred people in the US this year.:

You: "Good to know I hurt your feelings"

You need to evaluate priorities.

You've started pm'ing me like a star-struck girl who wants to taste my dick. You are not my type. You'll have to live without me.

do not respond to this message.
MAGA, when does it start?

How many years of retirement must I give up to achieve the long life of my grandfather?

Whats the best way tell your grandchildren they have to live faster because they will die 5 years sooner?

Your state of mind could be clouded.
Made the correction and I figured ya'd be on it like stink on shit, bet ya never even took the time to have a laugh at how big a fucking idiot you are.

When ya know the habits of an animal ya can set a trap and wait for it to spring. Yer game doesn't change at all. Not too mentally flexible either, still down in the dirt.

Yer thread is still a good place to shit on ya, quote that!
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I don't think it is OK to threaten people with rape on this site.

Do I need to copy and post the pm's you've sent me? They aren't all that different from the shit you sent Buck.