

Well-Known Member
Holy Crap, Gioua, I didn;t know there was an arcade either. It is kind of wierd to go to other sections and see members who have been here a long time with thousands of posts, that I haven't ever seen.


Well-Known Member
I think we're using different definitions of hump-day because I really want my weekend to get here.
perhaps you need to rethink the choice of slang terms for and use "the mid point of your work week" or.. "tmpoyww" I am old and set in stone and cant rethink mine.. as depressing as it is.. :)


Well-Known Member
perhaps you need to rethink the choice of slang terms for and use "the mid point of your work week" or.. "tmpoyww" I am old and set in stone and cant rethink mine.. as depressing as it is.. :)
I used to do 2-on-2-off. That's two full weeks of work - 14 days at 12 hours a day. So Wednesday was meaningless.